Subject: How to eat chocolate pudding and burn fat at the same time...


Got a cool recipe from my friend Mike Geary here for you's for a HEALTHY version of chocolate pudding that actually fits really nicely on a fat-burning program.

When you're looking to lose fat, you have to decide whether something you eat is going to move you towards your goal or away from it...and this pudding recipe will absolutely move you TOWARDS your goal.

Mike is a "mad scientist" in the kitchen, taking normal recipes and healthificationing them (not a word, I know, but it fits in this case ;), which is not an easy thing to do and make things taste good.

Every time I try and get creative in the kitchen like that I come up garbage like tuna and cereal (which is nasty - don't ever do it). You can listen to Mike when it comes to recipes like this.

You will definitely want to try this recipe for healthy, fat-burning chocolate pudding!


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