Subject: How to do more push-ups and pull-ups (embarrassing story)

There's a woman - in her 40's - who can kick some SERIOUS butt
in a push-up and pull-up challenge (25 pull-ups and 100 push-ups...
yeah, not kidding. I've seen her in action!).

Her name's Shawna Kaminski and she can help anyone improve
the number of push-ups and pull-ups that they can do.

I've actually picked up some really cool stuff from her
that helped me get more reps on my pull-ups pretty
much immediately.

She has training tips and SIMPLE little technique changes that will
give you almost immediate improvements.

Check them out here...

You'll also discover an embarrassing story from a world-famous
fitness expert who THOUGHT he was fit until he trained with

So no matter if you still struggle to do your first pull-up or push-up,
or if you want to do 25 (or more!) pull-ups straight, she can help.

Get her bodyweight workout secrets here:

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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