Subject: How to do Intermittent Fasting for fat loss AND muscle growth...

Intermittent Fasting (or IF for short) is one of my favorite nutritional techniques for getting lean AND (ironically enough) building muscle.

If you're not familiar with it, at it's very simplest, you don't eat for approximately 24 hours.

And yep, there is a LOT more to it than that, especially if you want to do it right and get the most out of it.

First, it can help you drop fat almost automatically. Not eating for 24 hours creates a substantial caloric deficit, which is the cornerstone of any good fat-loss diet.

For me, I actually find it extremely useful for building muscle while staying lean. I did a 24-hour fast yesterday, in fact, and I'm on a growth and strength phase right now.

There is a big hormonal response you get when coming off the fast (insulin in particular, if you break it with carbs). You can really take advantage of it with your training.

The fasting also gives you excellent regenerative "rest" for your digestive tract. If you've been cramming yourself full of food, trying to eat big to get big, this is a VERY welcome break and your body will be more efficient with digestion going forward.


So how DO you do Intermittent Fasting for best results?

That's where my friend and colleague Bran Pilon comes in. He's the OG (Original Gangster) of Intermittent Fasting.

And his book Eat-Stop-Eat is THE definititve book on the subject, in my opinion.

The cool thing is, right now, Brad has just started offering hard copy versions of his book for almost FREE...(he's just asking you to cover shipping).

If you want to learn how IF can pretty much change your life and your whole approeach to eating, helping you get leaner faster and build muscle more efficiently, this is something you should take advantage of right away...he's only got a limited number of copies available.

Go grab your copy here now...

And like I said above, this book is almost free :). Every time I see one of these "free, just pay shipping" things, I always think the same thing you do..."if I have to pay shipping, it's not free."

Well, I'll always be honest with you. It's not free, but it's cheap and it's totally worth every penny of the small shipping charge to get this physical book in your hands.

This is one of my favorite nutrition books ever.

Get your almost free copy of "Eat-Stop-Eat" now before they're all gone...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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