Subject: How to build INSANE grip bending nails...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So...ever think of how much more you could lift in pulling
movements if your grip and hand strength was DOUBLE what it is
right now?

Or have you ever wanted to basically CRUSH somebody's hand when
you went to shake it?

The hands are where the rubber meets the road in the gym, so to
speak. It's your connection with the weights...and if you have a
weak grip, it limits just about everything you do in your

On that note, I've got something unique for you here today...and
I'll tell you right up front, this is going to be a bit
specialized...I just enjoy letting you know about cool stuff like
this :). The focus is on actually learning how to bend nails
through targeted training and bending techniques.

This is a DVD put out by a friend of mine...grip expert and world
record holder Jedd Johnson...on nail to train for
it and the techniques for doing it. And I have to say, when it
comes to grip and forearm training, he's by far the best resource
I've ever come across. Dude know his stuff cold and PRACTICES
what he preaches.

So if you're interested in learning how to bend nails and develop
RIDICULOUS hand, forearm and finger strength, definitely check
this out...



P.S. Keep an eye out for a new exercise I'll be firing out later
this afternoon!

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