Subject: How to become a BEAST with bodyweight training...

You know how it is...sometimes your body just needs a break from heavy lifting...

That's happened to me quite a few times over the 32+ years I've been training.

You start to dread going to the gym...your strength flatlines...your motivation tanks. You have to drag yourself to the gym and you sleep-walk through your workouts.

That's exactly when you need to change things up and concentrate on "unloaded" bodyweight training. It's what you need to do get back on track and give your body a break without blowing off your training.

If this sounds like where you're at right now (or if you just prefer bodyweight training!), I've got just the program for you.

That program is called the "Bodyweight Beast", created by my friends at Critical Bench (and yes, they're actually my "for real" friends...known them for 15+ years! ;).

This program is specifically designed to get you LEAN and STRONG using bodyweight-only training.

It's very well put-together...I haven't done the full program myself but I've played around with some of the training concepts and workouts a few times and this is VERY effective stuff.

If you want to get lean and strong with bodyweight training at home (or when travelling) and don't have access to gym equipment, this is the PERFECT way to do it.

Click here to become a BEAST with bodyweight training...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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