Subject: How to actually LOSE fat during the holidays...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Now, you may have seen one or two emails for Joel Marion's
"Holiday Fat Loss Black Book" arriving in your inbox this
morning, if you're on any fitness/training newsletter lists.

So what's this book all about?

Well, first off, it's free, which is always a plus :)

Basically, it's about how to manage your weight and eating
habits during the holidays, which as you may know, a lot of
people have a tendency put on substantial weight over.

Joel's put together 17 "hacks" that you can use to not only
prevent yourself from gaining weight but actually lose it during
this time. I've read through all 17 and there are some really
good ones in here that make total sense.

The book is a quick, easy read but it can really save you some
fat accumulation if you put these tips to work.

Heck, I've experienced holiday weight gain myself, even being a
trainer for more than 18 years. Of course, half the time, I do it
on purpose, timing my training in order to actually maximize the
muscle-building effects of holiday overeating (check that out

How To Take Advantage Of Holiday Weight Gain


Anyway, if holiday weight gain is a concern for you, definitely
check out the book here - you'll need to put in your email
address to grab it, just fyi, but it is really good info.
