Subject: How to MASSIVELY increase strength on one lift...

If you have one lift or exercise that has been tormenting you for years...

...that you've never been able to really progress on...

...that you want desperately to get stronger at...

...then this method is for YOU.

I call it Daily Specialization 2.0...Progressive Resistance.

And I'm going to use it myself to finally hit 315 lbs on the Front Squat this spring.

The theory behind it is very simple. It uses a training principle that we all know but often resistance.

We're going to use the power of progressive resistance in a fashion that works WITH your body for maximum results...low-volume, high intensity, but with very high frequency (twice a day).

PLUS, you're going to have to EARN your loads in order to increase the weight, meaning you'll be using your actual exercise performance to determine if you should increase the weight...not just how you "feel" that day.

It's a "no brainer" way to progress a lift.

Seriously, if you have a weak lift you want to bring up, you need to give this a try.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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