Subject: How to Deadlift 405 lbs for 25 reps...and why you'd even want to...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, and by that I do mean all at once :)

I just did that in my workout on Monday and let me tell you, it's
not easy but it's one of THE best techniques I've ever found for
building power, strength and muscle mass. I used the trap bar for
it, which I highly recommend, especially for this style of
deadlift training.

You can check out the video's the most recent post on
the page, and be sure to hit the "Like" button on my Facebook
page there, too :)...


I'm using this style of training on the first day of my Mad
Scientist Muscle program (
because of it's effects on the physiology of the body.

If you're interested in learning more about why exactly it works,
I've got an article I wrote on the subject of using high-rep
training for building strength and muscle.

It sounds like an oxymoron, but high reps really do have a place
in muscle and strength training IF you use them for the right
purposes. Just randomly using lightweight sets is not what I'm
talking about here.

I have to say, doing high-rep deadlifts like this wakes up the
nervous system like nothing else. Of course, it also leaves it
twitching on the floor when you're done with your set so recovery
is also very important...

Anyway, here's the article - I definitely recommend you
incorporate one of more of these techniques into your training.
You'll really see and feel the difference, especially if you've
never really used it before.



P.S. In case you missed it yesterday, I posted a link to Jeff
Anderson's new "survival" book that he just came out with. This
is really good, practical stuff.

For example, if you're on a highway and being followed or chased
by somebody, identify an upcoming exit and move to the far LEFT

With your pursuer close behind you, make sure you have clearance
and at the last minute, shoot across all lanes of traffic to
barely make your exit. It will be difficult for them to back up,
especially in the left lane against traffic, to follow you.

This is the kind of stuff that might not occur to you if you find
yourself in a situation like that but makes total sense when you
think of it. And I know it really doesn't have anything to do
with fitness and training...I figure if it helps just one person
or even just makes you more aware of your surroundings, it's the
least I can do.

Check it out here:


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