Subject: How to "CURE" joint issues (my training and supplement protocol)...

Now, just to be clear... I put cure in quotes because I definitely can't claim that it's actually going to CURE joint issues.

That would be a medical claim, and that's not something I can promise.

However, what I DO have for you is my training and supplement protocol for dramatically increasing circulation through your joints, which can help YOUR OWN BODY heal itself.

Because honestly...circulation is the key to everything when it comes to healing your joints.

I'm going to run through the rationale of the protocol for you here today, then give you the actual protocol tomorrow (stay tuned).

As I mentioned, though, this is NOT medical advice. Always consult with your physician when it comes to injuries and follow their advice.

In fact, I'd encourage you to share this protocol with them before trying it.


1. Your joints and connective tissue have notoriously POOR circulation.

This is the reason why it takes so much longer to heal joint injuries than it does muscle injuries.

Muscle tissue has good circulation, especially compared to tendons and ligaments.

So in order to help your body heal your joints, you need to CREATE circulation via hydraulic pressure (I use targeted compression and decompression).

This is why when you get joint injuries, not moving the joint is actually the complete wrong approach. It just ensures that you get very little circulation through the joint and very little healing.

Naturally, you don't want to move it or put pressure on it in a way that causes pain or further injury. That's important.


2. Your body needs STRUCTURAL NUTRIENTS to heal and rebuild connective tissue.

The structural nutrients that have been proven by research are collagen/gelatin and Vitamin C.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body because it's a structural forms the connective tissue of your skin, joints, fascia and just about everything else that holds you together.

Vitamin C is a critical component of collagen formation.

These two supplements are easy to take and they have the potential to DOUBLE your connective-tissue regeneration and repair.

A recent study demonstrated a significant increase in circulating collagen in the body when a 15 gram dose of gelatin was given one hour before exercise.


"Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis. Shaw G, Lee-Barthel A, Ross ML, Wang B, Baar K. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Jan;105(1):136-143."


Also included in the formula was a 48 mg dose of vitamin C, to support collagen formation in the body.

This result is reprinted directly from the abstract of the study:

"Subjects who took 15 g gelatin 1 h before exercise showed double the amino- terminal propeptide of collagen I in their blood, indicating increased collagen synthesis."


Is Collagen The Same As Gelatin?

They do contain many of the same amino acids, however, collagen is actually easier for your body to absorb and use, so I actually recommend taking that over gelatin.

Gelatin is a more "degraded" form of collagen.

The brand of collagen I HIGHLY recommend is from Rootz.

I've talked about this product many times in the past...for the simple reason that it flat-out WORKS.

It's got a full spectrum of all 5 major types of collagen (most collagen supplements only have one or two of the cheapest). You need all 5 for maximum effectiveness.


Which Vitamin C Should You Take?

This is the one I take...Vitamin C Ester (Ascorbyl Palmitate).

It's actually a fat-soluble version of Vitamin C that doesn't get flushed out your body as fast. It stays in your tissues much longer.

Now, the type of C you take is not super critical. Just about any good C supplement will be fine.

WHEN you take it IS critical.


3. Compression and Decompression Training to FORCE circulation through the connective tissue.

The idea with this training is to literally FORCE more blood and fluid into the connective tissue by using weight to first compress it and squish the fluid OUT.

Then we'll use the decompressive traction to "pull" blood and fluid BACK into the joint and connective tissue, like pulling back on the stopper of a syringe.

This is a highly effective way to force circulation through your stubborn connective tissue to help speed repair, growth and regeneration....very much like a bellows that pulls air in then blows it out, or like a hydraulic piston.


4. Take your structural nutrients 30-40 minutes before Compression/Decompresion Training.

By doing this, you're putting the critical nutrients in your bloodstream... then you're using the training to PUSH those nutrients where they're actually needed...

...where they won't otherwise get to without this specific type of training.

This IMMEDIATELY kickstarts the healing process, allowing your body to do what it's supposed to do using the specific nutrients it needs to do it!


THAT is the power of this protocol.

You're not magically waving a wand and healing're just giving your body what it needs to heal on it's own.

I'll be back with the full protocol for you tomorrow.

In the meantime, definitely check out the collagen from Rootz.

I've tested a LOT of different brands over the years and this is the best one I've found.

This stuff can make a big difference for you, not only with this connective tissue protocol but just in general for anti-aging and your overall health.

Check it out here and keep an eye out for the training protocol tomorrow!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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