Subject: How to Bench Press more weight INSTANTLY with this quick drill...

If you want a bigger bench press (and minimize the
chance of shoulder injury), one of the biggest
"non-secrets" is getting your shoulder blades tucked
in tight behind your back before and during the press.

This one simple tip can dramatically improve your strength and
shoulder stability in the movement.

That being said, actually getting into and HOLDING this position while
pressing isn't always easy. Once you start pressing it's easy to lose
that shoulder blade retraction (that's the technical term for pulling
the shoulder blades together).

As well, you may not have the kinesthetic (body) awareness to
know when you're in the proper position in the first place!

So what I've got for you as a quick muscle activation drill to help
you feel the EXACT position your shoulders need to be in when
pressing...and you're going to GRAVITY to force your body into
that position.

To do this one, I recommend using a bar set in the power rack (on
the safety rails a few feet off the ground) or a flat bench (you can
just set your hands on the bench surface). The Smith Machine bar
will also work quite well here.

(Side Note: I have a couple plates on the bar, but you don't need
to load it, if you've got it braced up against the uprights of the rack.
I also rubber grip strips on the safety rails so the bar won't slide.
I recommend you set the bar up against the uprights so the bar
gets pushed up against them when you do the movement.)

Start by setting your hands on the bar at the exact spacing you'd
use for a bench press. Get into the push-up position with your
arms locked out, body stiff and straight.

Once you're in this position, notice where your shoulder blades
are. When you get into the position, you'll naturally carry them
in a protracted/forward position.

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Now, keeping your arms locked out, drop your torso down
towards the bar, letting gravity do the work. It should like
you're trying to push your chest towards the bar. You should
immediately feel your shoulder blades come together and your
upper back muscles contract.

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THAT is the position you want to be in when you're bench pressing.
We're using gravity to teach your body the lession and the positional
awareness to know what it actually feels like.

This simple drill will teach you how to properly get your shoulders
set for a bench press movement.

And to really bring the lesson home, once you've dropped into that
retracted position, now do a push-up on the bar, KEEPING your
shoulder blades retracted the entire time (even at the top, where the
natural tendency is to push them forward to get your body as far
from the bar as possible).

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Once you master this shoulder retraction drill on the bar here, it's
time to get UNDER the bar and try it out.

When you get set to press, I like to grip the bar, then do a small
inverted row, pulling my back off the bench. Then get those shoulder
blades back in and tight behind your body, remembering the feel
of this shoulder drill you just finished.

This is a GREAT teaching technique that will help you increase your
bench press strength and improve the stability in the shoulder joint
during the movement pretty much INSTANTLY.

Want to watch this technique in action? (it's actually VERY helpful in
terms of learning how it's done). Check out the video here...

Watch it here


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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