Subject: How does Xtreme Fat Loss compare to my Metabolic Surge?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Glad you asked!

And a lot of people did, so I figured the best way to answer
this would be to answer it straight up - no hype (makes nothing
but sense :).

So first off, let me get this out of the way...

Summer is almost'll soon be beach time...and TODAY is
the LAST day you can pick up Joel's "Xtreme Fat Loss" program for
the "$30 off" sale price.

That'll be gone at midnight tonight, along with my bonus of all
four of my "Best Exercises" ebooks (251 exercises, $130 value) -
you can grab yours now here:


Definitely an excellent and effective program and well worth
picking up a copy!


So, I've mentioned my Metabolic Surge program a few times this
week, in comparison to Joel's program, especially with regard to
how training should be tailored to the nutrients you're eating
(THAT concept is dead-on). Here's a link to my Metabolic Surge
program, in case you haven't seen it before:

When I look at programs, exercises and techniques, I look at
them as tools in your toolbox, which is why you often see me
recommending other trainer's programs. I think my programs are
excellent but it doesn't mean they're the best fit for everybody
AND if you've done them a few times through, you might be ready
to try a new approach (I do the same thing myself!).

Our two programs target similar goals but do have differences
that make them more appropriate for different goals and
individual situations, so they're essentially different tools in
your training toolbox (like two different kinds of saws or

One of the main differences between the two programs is that
Xtreme Fat Loss is actually the more restrictive of the two. The
eating pattern may be a bit tougher to follow if you have a hard
time fasting and/or eating from very limited food selections.

But it WILL get you fast results because of this degree of

Faster that Metabolic Surge? In all honesty, with it's
pretty-much singular focus on fat loss, it could actually give
you faster results than Metabolic Surge for short bursts of time
(and that's really the key - Joel's program is a fat-loss sprint
at 25 days...Metabolic Surge is 36 days and is, in my opinion,
more repeatable because it's a somewhat more moderate approach).

Metabolic Surge includes specific training and eating for
building/keeping muscle mass, which is extremely important on a
fat-loss diet. In my experience, if you're training for fat loss
for longer than a few weeks, you NEED to have refeeds and
targeted training for rebuilding and maintaining muscle.

The Xtreme Fat Loss program DOES address this as well, but
because it's such a laser-focused program on fat loss, the
muscle-building portion is not emphasized quite as much. The
cheat day every fifth day of the program keeps your body from
slowing your metabolism down (via the hormone leptin, which Joel
will tell you more about on his site and in the book) and on that
day, you train for muscle mass with density-style training.

So if your primary goal is FAST fat loss in a very short period
of time, with that as your absolute focus, the Xtreme Fat Loss
program would be a great choice for you.

The Surge program takes a SLIGHTLY (and I emphasize slightly
because it does also give you VERY rapid fat loss) longer-term
approach, using each training cycle to build on the last,
gradually ramping up your metabolism then pulling back and giving
your body a chance to recover.

The training and eating strategies between our two programs are
actually fairly similar, in terms of what type of training to use
and when (I'm sure we've read many of the same studies and have
come up with a lot of similar ideas in terms of how some specific
training methods are more appropriate depending on your goals and
what you're eating).

The training cycles in the Xtreme Fat Loss program are shorter,
changing up your eating every single day, while the Surge program
uses longer cycles, giving your body a chance to almost adapt to
the eating style before changing things up.

Joel's program is definitely NOT for beginners. This is more of
an intermediate to advanced program and I would only recommend it
for that level of trainer. There is not a whole lot of rest built
into the program and you really have to be dedicated to it to
maximize the results. And when your 25 days are up, they are UP.
Then you need to back off and rest.

The Metabolic Surge program is more scalable in terms of who can
do can easily be used by beginners all the way through
advanced trainers, and has more recovery built in.


So those are the main differences between the two programs!

The Xtreme Fat Loss program is really an excellent option for
those looking for very fast fat loss. And if do have the Surge
program and you've done it a few times, it'll give you a nice
option for continued results.

Overall, Joel has put together a very well-thought-out,
research-based program that I can tell just by looking at it,
will be extremely effective for fat loss because I've used many
of these concepts myself. Very good stuff.



P.S. Please remember, the price of "Xtreme Fat Loss" will be
going up 30 bucks tonight at midnight (May 6th) and my bonus
add-on of all four of my Best Exercises ebooks (total-body, abs,
arms and chest) will be pulled then, too (make sure you order
through the links in this email to qualify for this bonus)

You can check out all four of those books here:

And order through here to get 'em:



My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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