Subject: How does Mad Scientist Muscle compare to Muscle Explosion?

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Mad Scientist Muscle

And how many times can I use the word "muscle" in a sentence without being completely annoying... ;)

I've gotten this question a number of times today and wanted to jot a quick email to lay it all out for you. They do have a lot of similarities because, hey, these concepts just plain WORK and there's no need to totally start from scratch just to try and come up with something completely different just for the sake of being completely different :)

Muscle Explosion is an "emergency-based" muscle-building program. The basic idea is we pretty much hammer the body HARD for a very short period of time with HUGE training volume, then back off. It's a TOUGH program...very intense to perform and delivers GREAT short-terms results.

This program is an excellent plateau buster and that works EXTREMELY well but because it's so intense, it's really tough on your body to do long-term and it's just not appropriate for somebody who's not an advanced trainer.

That's where Mad Scientist Muscle comes in...

In the Mad Scientist program, you'll work up to the overtraining more gradually, building up more "growth momentum" than you can even in a short-term burst program like Muscle Explosion. So when you back off and let your body recover, the results can be even BIGGER.

This program is perfect for the early intermediate all the way to advanced trainer (and I have a "Frankenstein" version available for those who REALLY want a challenge - this is a take on the training I used a few years back to gain 22 lbs in six weeks).

The analogy I like to use for the comparison between the two programs is a pyramid. Think of your muscle and strength as that pyramid. Everybody starts with their own size of pyramid.

Mad Scientist Muscle is all about building a bigger BASE for your pyramid. It's a longer-term program that will develop great overall strength and muscle mass and is SUSTAINABLE for long-term gains.

Don't get me wrong, your short-term gains will be great, too! (in fact, I had a friend of mine testing the program and he's already increased his bench 40 lbs in the first 4 weeks!).

Muscle Explosion is more about building near the TOP of the pyramid, once you've already built that big base.

Just think of it this can build your pyramid TALLER when you have a bigger base.

My extraordinary graphic-design skills should be able to showcase this for you... ;)

Muscle Pyramid

So the idea is to use a longer-term "base-building" program like Mad Scientist Muscle so you have something to build on then use a "peak-building" program like Muscle Explosion to send that top even HIGHER.

The bigger the base, the higher you'll be able to go, which means MORE MUSCLE for you.

Mad Scientist Muscle takes this process and simplifies it for you, laying out everything you need to know to build this base and really maximize your whole body's potential for strength and growth.

Hopefully, that all made sense!



P.S. If you have any other questions about the program, please don't hesitate to ask! I'm putting together an FAQ email that I'll be sending out probably on Thursday that will take all these questions and answer them so you know exactly what this program is all about and what it can really do for you!


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