Subject: How I use DUCT TAPE in my home gym...(with pictures)

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yep, you read that right...I use duct tape in my home gym and I'm not afraid to admit it...

First off, let me just start by saying duct tape is awesome. You'd be amazed at what you can do with it and it absolutely has a place in a home gym.

Duct Tape Use #1 - Holding Rubber Onto Power Rack Rail

On my power rack, I have rubber strips that stick on top of the safety rails so the bar won't slide around. Well, in order to move the bar into a different place on the rack, I have to roll the bar forward or back because I can't slide it.

This makes the rubber stipping peel up and come off.

Not with duct tape!

Duct Tape 1


Duct Tape Use #2 - Holding Broken Equipment Feet On

I have a preacher bench that had cheapo plastic "feet" on the bottom, to keep the bench from moving. Well, one day moving the bench around, I cracked the plastic against another piece of equpiment and it broke.

So naturally, duct tape to the rescue! Who needs to buy a new plastic bit when I have duct tape around.

Duct Tape 2

Duct Tape Use #3 - Keep Barbell Plates from Moving

This last use is on one of my homemade training bars that I make out of plumbing pipe. I've got some VERY cool designs (that I'll write about them someday!)...this one is for a curl bar and it's INCREDIBLE how well it works.

Anyway, because I'm using plumbing pipe and using pipe caps, there's always a little space at the end. Every time the bar comes up, the plates slide down. It's annoying and hampers the exercise.

So voila! I duct tape the plates to the bar to keep them from moving...the only downside is changing weights... ;)

Duct Tape 3

Duct Tape Use #4 - Honorable Mention...My Dad's Basement Gym

My dad (Alex Nilsson) is 75 years old and trains harder (and is in better many 75 year olds do you know that have a six-pack!) than most people 1/3 his age. This basement sports some of the coolest home-made equipment I've ever seen (I think it's where I got my creative insanity from...I thought this was NORMAL!). It's all made out of two by sixes, plumbing pipe, duct tape, foam padding, industrial chains and random weight plates.

One of these days, I'll get my mom to take pictures of it and post 'em. My uses of duct tape are pretty tame compared to this... :)


Okay, now that I've confessed my duct tape usage, it's time for you to do the same. If you have a home gym and have made use of duct tape, send me pics and a description and I'll post it out.


P.S. Yesterday, I sent along a couple of emails about Joel Marion and Arnel Ricafranca's new "1000 Calorie Challenge" fat-loss program. One of the biggest questions people had about it was whether it would be too advanced for beginning trainers.

The answer: it's not! You don't START at 1000 calorie workouts! Heck, I wouldn't even start there with these full-on 1000 calorie workouts myself.

You do a self-test before you start and determine at what volume level you should begin at (300, 500, 600, 800, 1000, etc.). It's entirely self-regulated and you begin at whatever level YOU should begin at, determined by that test.

It's a very simple, very effective strategy to allow you to progress at your own rate and at your own level. The system then moves you forward very quickly up the food-chain to get you to that high-level as fast as possible.

If you're in the market for a new fat-loss program, this one gets top marks from me.


P.P.S. Almost got my bonus book done, too! "The Best 1000 Calorie Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of." I'll fire out an email when it's ready - got a ton of people on the waiting list for it already and right now it's only available when you pick up the 1000 Calorie Challenge program through this link:


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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