Subject: How I lifted 68,985 lbs...

Now, to wasn't all at once... :)

That's how much workload I did in a single workout this using a method that I call Countdown Sandwich Training.

It's a way to maximize your work capacity and build a massive base for strength and mass.


Because the bigger the base, the taller you can build the pyramid...

It works the same in strength and muscle building.

The more of a base you develop (to me, this means work capacity), the higher you can build your overall strength and levels of muscle mass.

One of the most challenging and effective methods I've come up with for developing work capacity is Countdown Sandwich Training.

This workout is going to hit all three major energy systems in your body (short-duration, strength with the low reps, lactic acid with the two high-rep sets, and the aerobic system for the entire as your body tries to recover in between sets with very short rest periods).

Bottom line, Countdown Sandwich Training will turn your body into a muscle and strength-building machine.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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