Subject: How I gained 25 lbs in one week...

Sound crazy?

It is...keep reading...

So I do a LOT of self-experimentation. I try new training methods and techniques all the time.

Sometimes they don't work and I trash them...sometimes they work like CRAZY and I work them into as many programs as I can.

The technique that allowed me to gain 25 lbs of bodyweight in one week is...

Carb cycling.

(and yes, the vast majority of that type of gain is water weight. I don't want you to think that I'm claiming to gain 25 lbs of muscle in a can't even do that on steroids.)

However, even though that gain was mostly water, I found that the in-rush of water created an incredibly anabolic environment for my body...and it allowed me to gain muscle faster over the next few weeks.

The setup that I used for both of those big gains was simple...I ate low-carb for 14 days, did lots of high-volume training and lots of cardio. I depleted myself of just about everything.

Then I LOADED everything...carbs, protein, calories, creatine...the works.

And I drank at least a full gallon water each the point of sloshing when I walked.

It was crazy.

Now, I'm telling you that to tell you this...

In my experience, carb cycling is the fastest, most effective way to change your body... to lose fat AND to build muscle.

When you cut the carbs, it creates an efficient environment for rapid fat loss.

When you put the carbs back in, it creates a rebound effect similar to what I explained above (though not to the degree, unless you really TRY to do it).

The one nutrient that has the biggest impact on your body composition is the carbohydrate.

If you've done any of my programs, you know I incorporate some form of carb cycling into pretty much all of them.

That's because it has a MAGNIFYING effect on whatever program you're doing, as long as you structure the program right and eat the carbs strategically.

That is where Customized Carb Cycling comes in.

I've been talking about this program for the past few days because it's excellent.

I believe in the concept strongly, and use it regularly myself.

The reason I'm sending you to Matt (the creator of the program) is that my approach to nutrition has always been a "sledgehammer" one...I don't use precision at all in what I eat.

Could I be bigger or leaner if I did? Absolutely.

THAT is why I wanted to introduce you to his Customized Carb Cycling program.

His approach is all about PRECISION carb cycling, customized to exactly what your body needs and how you're training so you don't spill over into gaining any extra fat and you maximize the anabolic effects of timed carb intake.

This is a picture of you can see, he definitely practices what he preaches. He's a world champion bodybuilder and he's knows exactly what he's doing with this stuff.

If you've ever been interested in learning more about carb cycling and really learning how to maximize it in your training, this is a program I would HIGHLY recommend you grab a copy of.

He's offering it for a DIRT CHEAP price of just 15 bucks right now... and the knowledge is worth every penny.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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