Subject: How I fix my own back pain...

The most ironic thing for me about back pain is that
I RARELY get it as a result of my workouts...I get it
"from laying on the couch all day watching football!

I've come up with a couple of different ways to fix it that work for
me...they might work for you, or you might need to take a bit
different approach.

1. The first thing I do are a few sets of moderately heavy deadlifts...
heavy enough to strongly activate the muscle of the lower back but
not so heavy that my lower back rounds over and makes it worse.

I find the work on the spinal erectors really pulls me back into
alignment and pretty much takes care of most back pain that I get,
especially as a result of laying funny for long periods of time.

2. Sometimes, however, heavy deadlifting isn't an option (and it
may not always be for you, either). So the second thing I do is
hanging...and I do this a couple of different ways. I'll hang from a
chin-up bar, relax all my core muscles and let my legs put traction
on the lower back.

If I don't want to hang, I will also use a dip stand, lock out my arms
then, as I did with hanging, just relax the core and let my legs
dangle, rotating my lower body to either side a bit. The key is
learning how to let those core muscles release all tension and get
that traction. When you do this, be sure and be slow and gentle
when you step off from the traction hanging.

These two techniques generally fix my back pain, and they might
work for YOU, too.

That being said, you may need a little more help...

And that's where Rick Kaselj comes in...

I've known Rick personally for a couple of years now...he's a
fellow Canadian (from B.C., like me, which automatically means
he's a good person ;) and I've always been incredibly impressed
with the passion and knowledge he brings to healing injuries.

In fact, he's so good, his manuals are often used for reference
by rehab professionals...they're full of practical information and
knowledge that actually FIXES people, which is huge.

And if you've got back pain, he's going to be your
new best friend.

Because he's just put his program "Fix My Back Pain" on sale at a
BIG 52% off discount for the next few days...

His program is designed to be done in addition to any training
you're already doing in a "pre and post workout" fashion, so you
get better without slowing down on anything else.

And for TODAY only, he's also kicking in a 48-hour Back Pain Rescue
Guide that can help you get back in action if you have a flare-up
of back pain.

Fix my Back Pain

I've read through it and it's really powerful, practical info...if you
have back that flares up on occasion, this book is going to help a LOT.

Now, in addition to that bonus, I also want to extend my OWN
additional bonus to you...if you pick up his Fix My Back Pain program
through any of the links in my emails, I'm going to give you two
of my own books..."The Best Back Exercises You've Never Heard Of"
and "The Best Core Strength Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

Let Rick fix you when you're broken and I'll help you build up
strength in your back and core so it doesn't happen again :).

Learn more about "Fix My Back Pain" and grab your
copy today to get the 48 Hour Rescue bonus!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Sc
ientist of Muscle"

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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