Subject: How I deadlifted 490 lbs for 49 reps on my 49th birthday...

Every year on my birthday, I like to challenge myself to do my age times ten in weight, for the number of reps my age is. This is a rundown of the workout template I used to accomplish it and to prepare for it.

It's tremendously important to not accept your age as a training's a factor that you have to account for, but it's not a limitation.

To prove that, every year on my birthday, I do a challenge workout.

This year, my goal was to trap bar deadlift 490 lbs for 49 reps on my 49th birthday.

And yes, I did it!

Here's the story of how I did it (both preparation for it and how I did the actual workout).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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