Subject: How I combine Suspension Training with free weight...(insane)

I'm a big fan of Suspension Training...a.k.a. TRX Training.

It's an extremely effective way to do bodyweight training, allowing for a huge variety of exercises and movement patterns. All you need is a set of suspension straps and something to anchor them on and you're good to go (great for training while traveling)

However, before I show you my own "free weight" methods of Suspension Training, I want to just give you a quick heads-up on an excellent product called Suspension Revolution 2.0 from my good friend and colleague Dan Long.

I've known Dan for years...great guy...more energy and enthusiasm than ANYBODY I've ever met. Dude is a ball of fire and he knows EXACTLY what he's doing when it comes to suspension training (and "normal" training as well!).

In fact, I had Dan test out one of my "grip shirts" before I released them to the public, because of how I trust his knowledge.

Right now, he's got his Suspension Revolution 2.0 program on sale for 50% off the regular price.

This is a STEAL for the sheer volume of excellent suspension training info you'll get in the package. If you have straps/TRX, this is a book you really should have.

If you DON'T have straps and you're interested in learning more about how to do suspension training, this is the manual you NEED to get started in the right direction.

Check it out's on sale until Friday, Nov 13th at midnight.


And, of course, you know I can't stop myself from taking things to a whole different level.

Awhile back, I was playing around with ideas on how to combine suspension training with free weight training using a pair of Blast Straps (heavy duty suspension straps) and a dip belt (which would allow me to be hands-free from the straps so I could also grip onto free weight.

Here are a couple of the exercises I came up with.

First, the setup...

You'll need to anchor one end of the strap to something VERY solid. I'm using a post in my basement. Hook the dip belt to the other end of the strap.

Now step inside the dip belt and situate it around your waist.

You body is now suspended and ready to go.

Exercise #1 - Barbell Hack Squats

I've always liked the concept of Barbell Hack Squats...but for some reason, they never felt quite right to me.

THIS version felt right because it allowed me to really sit back into the movement while being supported by the strap. This sitting back shifts the focus of the tension to the lower aspect of the quads, which are tough to target with normal leg exercises.

It turned the exercise from a "meh" to a "wow" for me.

Stand in front of the bar, then squat down and grab it with a double overhand grip. This exercise will look like a deadlift done with the bar behind the body.

Now stand up, lifting the bar off the ground.

Come all the way up to the top.

Then lower and repeat.

For greater range of motion, you can stand on top of a Step riser. This REALLY trashes the quads.


2. Ski Jumper Calf Raises

Looking at the pics below, it's pretty clear why I call it that!

You'll be facing away from the anchor point of the strap, with the hip belt set across your upper abdominal area.

Pick up the barbell (and you can go heavy...I've got 315 lbs on the bar here), then move your feet back until your body is at angle....knees slightly bent, heels on the floor.

Now raise your heels up, performing a diagonal calf raise movement.

The main benefit of this one is the practical nature of doing a calf raise at angle.

Think of it this way...when you're running, pushing against something or pulling something, your body is not vertical. If you're vertical, you're not going anywhere.

You're leaning forward at an angle...just like this exercise. This is the position you're in when your body is exerting force to get somewhere or move something.

This exercise trains that movement pattern very effectively (while also putting some serious demands on the core muscles...they have to brace against the hip belt to support the load).


And those are just TWO of the exercises I came up with...

You can also do forward-facing deadlifts, side-leaning split squats or lunges (to hit the gluteus medius and minimus), angled shoulder presses (with your body leaning forwards to hit the rear delts more effectively)...standing/lean incline're really only limited by your imagination.

The only things you need to be VERY careful of is that you've got a pair of high-quality straps, that you're anchored to something SOLID when you're doing stuff like this, and that your shoes aren't going to slide on the floor when doing these exercises.

Other than that, go nuts!

In the meantime, though, if you'd like to stick with straight-up bodyweight movements (of which there are TONS of very challenging and effective ones), I would HIGHLY encourage you to have a look at Dan's "Suspension Revolution 2.0" program.

He's a pro with this stuff and his program is excellent. Definitely worth the price at 50% off.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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