Subject: How I built 18" arms with bodyweight training...

I'm a BIG fan of bodyweight training... fact, (and this might sound crazy at first) one of the MAJOR reasons my biceps and triceps look like this (18" in the pic below) is NOT because of free weight training.

In terms of biceps, this development came from something incredibly smart (and kind of accidental :) that I did in my first year of training...a form of bodyweight isometrics.

At the end of every single workout, I would do a Flexed Arm Hang, holding the top position of a chin-up, squeezing the biceps hard, until I couldn't stay up anymore...then I'd fight the negative all the way down, then hang until my grip gave out.

One set of one rep...that's it...done at the end of every single workout.

It built great mass and strength on my biceps and resulted in serious grip strength improvements. I like to compare it to what gymnasts do in terms of holding positions on the rings, etc. (only they do a whole lot more).

It worked like CRAZY for me.

In addition, I built triceps that look like big lumps of meat by doing a bodyweight exercise called "Bodyweight Tricep Extensions."

This exercise is very simply a tricep extension done with your hands set on a low bar, with your body horizontal. Then you lower your head underneath the bar, bending only at the elbows then extend back up.

It puts an INCREDIBLE stretch on the triceps at the bottom under serious tension and resistance, which forced massive growth.

I worked very hard at this exercise and got to the point where I was doing them VERTICALLY, instead of horizontally... essentially doing a tricep extension in a handstand position.

There's no "secret" to this other than lots of hard work done in a smart way.

Heavy free weight training absolutely contributed greatly as well, but in analyzing it, I would say those were the two most important things I did to build seriouly BIG arms.

Now, I told you that to tell you this...

My friend and collegaue, Todd Kuslikis, is a master of bodyweight training.

And he's put together a program called "Isometrics Strength" using isometric bodyweight training principles very similar to what I just talked about above...only for YOUR WHOLE BODY.

You can see the results I got with bodyweight isometric training just in my biceps...

Now, imagine what YOU could accomplish applying these principles to every other muscle group in YOUR body.

(Just fyi, you don't have to give up training with weights...this stuff can be applied after you're done with your regular workouts, like I did, or however you'd like to work with it).

If this sounds interesting to you, I'd definitely recommend you check it out.

As I mentioned above, I'm a big fan of learning how to use your own bodyweight effectively to build mass and strength. Learn this and you'll never be without a gym.

And just so you know up front, when you do pick up Isometrics Strength program, you'll also get a 14-day trial membership to Todd's "Bodyweight Physique Academy" site where you'll get a ridiculous amount of information on how to build muscle and strength and get LEAN using bodyweight training methods. If, at any time, you feel it's not for you, you can easily cancel, no questions asked, and never get charged an additional dime.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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