Subject: How I build bones that support 1,055 lbs... (pic inside)

This is me holding 1,055 lbs on my back... I did this last week at 50 years old.

These are lockout partials...just the top few inches of the range of motion of a squat.

Yes, it's a little insane... and being able to do this without injury is the result of YEARS of consistent, heavy training like this.

This would put most people in the hospital... but the reason I do it simple...


I want to build INSANELY strong bones and connective tissue for when I get older.

Because the stronger I build those support structures now (and KEEP them strong), the stronger they'll be for me in the future.

In my experience, muscle strength ebbs and flows...connective tissue and bone strength are the REAL keys to durable strength.

By doing training like this, I'm banking bone and connective tissue strength for the future like an in-body savings account.


There's more to building bones than just lifting weights, though...

To get the best results, you have to support your body nutritionally.

Collagen is critically important for connective tissue repair and strengthening. I've talked about this in the past.

What about bones? Should you just load up on calcium?

The answer is NO.


If you want to build strong bones, DO NOT start taking extra calcium supplements indiscriminately.

This is actually the OPPOSITE of what you want to do.

Extra calcium on its own can actually cause a host of problems in your body... the most serious of which is coronary artery calcification (i.e. hardening of the arteries).

You want to get that calcium ABSORBED into your bones...not just leave it floating around your bloodstream, where it can settle in your heart or other arteries.


So how do you get calcium absorbed into your bones?

You need to take in micronutrients and minerals such as Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3, magnesium, manganese, boron, and selenium.

Without these co-factors, the calcium you take in is not absorbed efficiently into your bones...and you don't get the bone-building benefits of it...but you still get the potential pitfalls.

You can get these nutrients in food, for sure...

However, with the way nutrition quality is always dropping in the foods we eat, it's tough to get high enough amounts to really maximize your bone repair.


I've been testing a bone-building product that HAS all these co-factors in optimal dosages...

...including one of THE most absorbable forms of calcium on the planet, Microscrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHC).

It's called Osti-Strong, and after doing the research on the ingredients, I'm really impressed.

Now, the process of building bone strength is a long one, so I can't tell you that after taking this for a few a weeks that my bones can now support 2,000 lbs :).

What I CAN tell you is that this product has an "All Star" team of ingredients purposefully designed to help you get more calcium in your bones to build them denser and stronger.

And research that I've done on the ingredients backs it up.

Bone fractures are not enevitable as you get older... and the best time to start preventing them is NOW.

If bone strength is ANY kind of concern to you, you absolutely need to check this stuff out.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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