Subject: Hit your inner thighs/adductors with this unique exercise...

There's a better way to target the inner thighs/adductors...and it's NOT that machine that always seems to be facing the front door of the gym...

It's a free weight exercise that uses the adductors as they're meant to be a compound movement where you're actually MOVING (unlike that machine).

Side note: the inner thighs are basically composed of the adductor muscles. The function of the adductor muscles is the bring the leg in towards the mid-line of the body. I'll be using the term "adductors" instead of inner thighs from here on out so this doesn't read like a "Shape" magazine article... ;)

Because here's the thing...adductor training is important for MEN, too.

This is ESPECIALLY true if you want to improve your squat strength. In fact, by increasing adductor strength, you could easily see a jump of 20+ pounds in your max squat in a very short period of time.

Adductor strength is CRITICAL for stabilizing the hips during a squat and most guys NEVER work the adductors specifically (because of the flawed perception that adductor work is for women), so there's a lot of room for very fast improvement.

Learn how to do Rolling Dumbbell Lunges here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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