Subject: High Frequency it the key to new muscle growth?

I won't keep you in suspense...

The answer is yes.

Properly structured high frequency training is one of the single biggest "secrets" that I've learned over the course of my 25+ years in the gym. It's that powerful.

Forget what you've been told about a muscle needing "72 hours to completely recover" before training it again.

That notion is misguided and really not optimal in terms of muscle growth, especially for a natural trainer.

Honestly, the best program I ever did consisted of total body workouts done 12 (yes TWELVE) times a week...I got bigger and stronger faster than at any other time in my life, bulking up to almost 230 lbs.

My friend and colleague (and lifetime natural bodybuilder), Scott Tousignant, shares my enthusaism for High Frequency Training. He's put together a fantastic program based on HFT principles.

And on this page, he's got some GREAT information for you on exactly how a high frequency approach can be the key to serious, new muscle growth for you, even if you've been stuck at a plateau for years.

(the info starts a little ways down the page, but definitely read through everything, especially his background story...he is a CLASSIC hardgainer who really struggled to put on mass without gaining a lot of fat using "normal" methods).

Scott would gain and lose the same 10 pounds over and over again...bulking up and cutting down...bulking up and cutting down...without ever really gaining meaningful mass.

His struggle to build muscle DISAPPEARED when he discovered High Frequency Training...

And the program he put together for himself is what he's offering for you today.

Check it out here..and learn how you can build serious muscle with High Frequency Training FAST.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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