Subject: Heal joints 50% faster...have more muscle fibers...more veins popping out...

And that's just a few of the benefits of the training you'll find in my Metamorphosis program.

The protocol that I've got in Phase 2 of the program is based on research that I found that results in connective tissue healing that was 50% FASTER than just rest. This is for real...and I even built on that research to make it even more effective.

Overall, the Metamorphosis program is designed to rebuild your body from the inside out to not only build substantial muscle NOW, but create a new "framework" to help you build even MORE muscle in the future.


That's what I want to impress upon you.

This power is a results-multiplier...the effects are permanent and will help you get better results in the future.

So right now, I want to do a quick run through of each of the four phases of the program so you can get a better idea of what it's all about. I go through each phase in more detail on the main page here.

(remember, I'm pulling this off the market again tomorrow night at midnight, so if you're interested, definitely grab a copy now).


Phase 1 - Angiogeneisis Training

This training is designed to increase the capillary density in your muscles. This means you develop more blood flow into the muscles for bringing them food and oxygen and improved waste excretion.

The better your blood flow, the better your performance.

The better your blood flow, the more nutrients your muscles can get.

Without optimal blood flow, you will never acheive optimal growth. The training in this phases uses a very specific framework that forces your body to build new blood flow pathways.

As well, if you like the look of vascularity (I do), this will have veins popping out on you everywhere.


Phase 2 - Connective Tissue Training

In the second phase, you'll be focusing on strengthening what is often the weak link in the body, simply because it's rarely specifically trained.

When your connective tissue is weak, your body will shut down strength and growth in order to prevent injury.

When you specifically strengthen your connective tissue, you take away this roadblock and your body can build muscle and strength at the rate it's supposed, without those limitations.

This training is research-based (as I mentioned above) to get 50% greater rate of connective tissue healing and strengthening.

You'll be doing very heavy static holds that compress the joints, followed by decompressive "hangs" to unload the joints. When done in the specific way I show you, this creates a "bellows" effect, essentially forcing blood flow through the connective tissue that normally has a very poor blood supply.

In addition, I'l tell you which supplements to take and when to get those repair nutrients right into the target joint while you're doing it.

This is incredibly powerful for healing up old injuries, preventing new ones and strengthening every aspect of your body.


Phase 3 - Hyperplasia Training

We're all born with a certain number of muscle fibers. Some people just have more and these people build larger muscles more easily because of it.

This training is designed to force your body to increase the number of muscle fibers you've got with a very targeted resisted, high-frequency, stretch exercise protocol.

I've done this full program twice, and I gained 10 pounds of lean mass each time I hit this phase. It's incredible.

The process we're focusing on with this is satellite cell activation. Satellite cells are there for repair and regeneration...and they can form NEW muscle fibers when activated. Most training doesn't target the necessary parameters to activate them.

The type of training you'll find in Metamorphosis does.

It's tough but incredibly effective.

It's great when you're means you'll build mass much faster...but it's even BETTER as you get older for fighting sarcopenia (which is the age-related loss of muscle fibers). If you can keep adding and replacing those fibers, you won't lose muscle mass.


Phase 4 - Nervous System Efficiency Training

This phase gets your stronger faster by utilizing a variety of nervous system "hacks" that take advantage of how your nervous system is wired.

It builds on all three of the previous phases...more blood flow gives you better recovery and performance, stronger connective tissue means your body can handle the heavier loads without shutting down, and more muscle fibers mean your have overall more strength potential.

This phase puts it all together.

And you can be MUCH stronger MUCH faster.


The Bottom Line

I won't beat around the bush here...this program is incredible. It's the best program I've ever put together and literally my life's work.

If you like the insane training info I put out, you absolutely WANT this one to add to your collection.

You can go through the whole program in a single 3-month block, or you can choose to do each phase separately (4 weeks at a time), so you don't have to commit to a full 3 months (which I know is tough to do).

And yes, the training is VERY challenging and tough...but nothing worthwhile is going to be easy, especially when it comes to rebuilding your internal physiology like this.

This program achives in just a matter of months what most training approaches take YEARS to get, in terms of physiological changes to your body.

I WILL be pulling this program off the market tomorrow night at midnight, so if you're interested in this, don't wait on it.

Grab your copy of Metamorphosis here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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