Subject: He benched 300 lbs the first time he walked into a gym...(why he could do it )...

I'm sure you've seen (or heard of) guys who go into a gym for the first time and bench 300 lbs the first time they touch a weight (yeah, makes me sick, too :).

They're just naturally strong, right?

Well, one of the reasons (beyond having more muscle mass or good leverage) is their body already has the abillity to recruit more muscle fibers/motor units all at once.

(a motor unit is a group of muscle fibers that are activated together)

Their body already "knows" how to be strong and move heavy loads.

I's something YOUR body can learn as well.

And it can be done with Isometric Training.

Isometrics can be used to TEACH your body how to contract more muscle fibers/motor units at the same time, increasing your maximum strength potential FAST.

I'll let Todd explain with this excerpt from his bodyweight Isometrics Strength book...


In order to understand how to get stronger with isometrics, we must enter into the world of physiology.

If you don’t have any physiology background don’t worry. I’m not going bonkers on origin and insertion points, anatomical structures, etc. I promise we won’t go that far in depth.

We do, however, need to look at the muscle and muscle fibers in order to understand why it contracts.

A muscle is made up of muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are created to contract or relax depending on what you are trying to do.

For example, say you are sitting at the table and you want a drink of water. In order, for your arm to move, several different muscle groups need to engage. The shoulder, biceps, and forearm muscles are the primary muscles; your triceps, chest, abdominal and back muscles are secondary ones. We move as a whole and it all happens so quickly. Pretty amazing.

When you are trying to gain strength with isometrics you need to learn to contract as many motor units (groups of muscle fibers) as possible.

When first learning to do isometrics you will only be able to contract a certain number of them. However, over time you’ll teach your body to be able to engage more and more units.

You may be saying to yourself, “I thought muscles contracted as a whole? How could you contract more or less of them?”

You have many muscle fibers within a single muscle group.

Let’s go back to the example where you picked up the glass of water at the table.

You only used a certain number of muscle fibers to pick up the glass. If you had engaged all the muscle fibers in your biceps than the glass would have flung over your head and you would have
spilled the water all over the place.

Even more muscle fibers are engaged when you lift a very heavy weight. Your muscles recruit as many or as few fibers needed in order to fulfill whatever task you give it.

Your body responds to the demands you give it. If you give it an easy task than it won’t put much effort into it (fewer fibers). If you give it a harder task than you will use more fibers.

The goal of isometrics is to engage as many fibers as possible.


When trained properly, isometrics can be a fantastic tool for developing strength by teaching your nervous system how to fire muscle fibers/motor units more efficiently.

Imagine 5 people trying to push a big truck...each person is a "motor unit."

At first, 2 people push, then the first two stop and a couple of more push, then they stop and the last one pushes.

The truck might move forward a little each time there is a push.

However, if they ALL push at once, what do you think is going to happen?

The truck REALLY starts moving, right?

THAT is what Isometric Training can do for teaches all those motor units how to work together and fire all at once to help your body move MUCH heavier loads more effectively, UNLEASHING your true strength potential.

This is the true power of Isometric Training for strength building.

If you'd like to learn more about using bodyweight isometrics to build muscle and strength, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out the full program.

Beyond just bodyweight training, there is information that you can apply to your regular workouts as well.

And just so you know up front, when you do pick up Isometrics Strength program, you'll also get a 14-day trial membership to Todd's "Bodyweight Physique Academy" site where you'll get a ridiculous amount of information on how to build muscle and strength and get LEAN using bodyweight training methods. If, at any time, you feel it's not for you, you can easily cancel, no questions asked, and never get charged an additional dime.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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