Subject: Happy birthday to me...and last chance for YOU...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So today I turned 37 and I can officially say I've been training
more than 20 years...

Which means I can also say to a lot of the people who write into
me on the site "I've been training longer than you've been
alive," which is, of course, the weight training equivalent of
"get off my lawn." :)

And a big thanks to everybody who wished me a happy birthday on
my Facebook page, too! Got a TON of those today and it is
appreciated! Helping people get more out of their training and
being able to make a living from it just makes me thankful every
single day.

So that being all said, just wanted to also let you know that
this is your last chance to pick up Joel Marion and Arnel
Ricafranca's complimentary report on how to get "4 Times Fast Fat
Loss." It's definitely good info and you can still grab it here
for a little bit longer, do definitely take advantage of it:


Enjoy and thanks again!


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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