Subject: Happy Birthday to me...and a present for YOU...

Yeah, I know that's a little backwards :).

I just turned 47 today and rather than have a birthday sale or something like that, I decided I'm just going to give you a present.

Years before I ever started working online, I started writing a book about weight training tips and tricks.

After every single workout, I would write down what I learned with an actual pen on actual paper.

This wasn't sets, reps and weights like a training log...this was training knowledge...techniques, methods, that kind of thing.

After years of doing this, I ended up with 15 notebooks, each with 200 pages, full of handwritten notes.

I still have those notebooks and I still flip through every now and again to remind myself of stuff I learned already and forgotten :)

Eventually (late 90's), I decided to type up my notes and try and make a book out of them (a physical book with real pages) and try to get it published.

That book never happened (I have gotten a few other books published), but I still have what I typed up.

And I want to give that to YOU now, to hopefully inspire you to test out new techniques and methods and be constantly learning.


Here's What I Want In Return...

There's always a catch, right :).

Well, hopefully this one won't be too bad (and it's not a requirement, either, it's just something I would appreciate, if you have a minute).

What I would like to ask of you is to just hit reply to this email and jot me a short note to tell me what your favorite exercise, training technique, method or program that I've introduced to you is and how it's helped you.

That's it.

There's nothing I like better than hearing about how the insane stuff I come up with has helped your training, improved your strength or physique or otherwise inspired you in some way.

THAT is why I do what I do and send you all the training info that I do.

My goal is to help you enjoy your workouts more and get better results from them, especially when more conventional training doesn't get the job done.

I love hearing about how this stuff works for you, so that can be your present to me :).


Get Your Download Here

You can download that book of tips, tricks and methods directly here for free.

I will tell you up front, there's no pictures or's all text...213 pages of text...filled with some real GEMS of knowledge.

At some point, I might try and clean it up and actually make a book out of it again, but for now, it's yours free.

Play with some of the methods and let me know which ones you like!

Again, you can download that directly here - nothing to sign up for, nothing to buy (unless you want to send me money, of course ;).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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