Subject: HORRIBLE food scams you need to know about...

Everybody's gotta eat...

And that's a problem...

Because the problem is, most people don't know what total GARBAGE a lot of (if not MOST) store-bought food truly is...even the stuff that's supposed to be healthy!

And in this case, what you don't know really CAN hurt you.

When you start to learn how manufactured "food" is truly made, it'll turn your stomach...bleaching, boiling, chemical processing, extruding, artificial additives, perservatives, fillers, GMOs, outright fraud, mislabeling and deception...the list goes on.

And it makes me angry...FURIOUS even. Especially when they try and pass off fake "food" as wholesome and good for you when in reality it's nothing but toxic slop.

However, if you KNOW what to look for, you can beat them at their game.

And that's where my friend Nick Pineault can help you.

He's put together an AMAZING reference manual called "The Truth About Fat-Burning Foods" documenting all the sneaky tricks, techniques and outright LIES that these food companies put forth to part you from your money, without any concern for your health or well being.

In my humble opinion, this is a book you NEED to have if you want to eat well and live a healthier life.

And what you also need to know is that tomorrow (Monday at midnight), Nick is pulling this book off the market FOREVER.

No will be gone and won't be back.

Right now, it's also the cheapest price it has EVER been (19 bucks), so it's the perfect time to pick it up if you don't have a copy yet.

Look, my focus has always been on the training side of things. That's what I do and it's what I'm best at.

When it comes to nutrition, I defer to the experts...the people who have a passion for it like I have a passion for training.

Nick is one of those people...and honestly, this book is one of the BEST I've ever read on the topic of food.

It's eye-opening and will literally make your blood boil when you read about all the sneaky things these companies do to make a buck at your expense...things you can AVOID when you know what to look for.

Grab your copy here for just 19 bucks before it gets pulled off the market FOR GOOD...and save your health AND your money.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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