Subject: Gruesome side effect...seemingly LIMITLESS energy?

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, maybe gruesome wasn't the best choice of words but it's a
word I don't get to use nearly enough in daily conversation :)

This gruesome side effect (shoot, did it again) is a result
of...get ready for this...not a shiny new supplement... it's a
result of optimized, nutrition!

Yeah, I know it's a strange and radical concept but bear with
me here... :)

Fact is, on MOST diets, you can get tired, lethargic and even
light headed. Been there myself, in fact. It means you're
either not supplying your body with enough energy, proper
nutrients or an optimal balance of foods at the right times.

And this can be seriously holding back your results in the gym,
because if you think about it...if you're tired and light-headed,
you're not going to have the drive to train HARD in the gym.

And floating around on the elliptical machine while you read a
magazine just ain't gonna get the job done.

That's where those personalized nutrition programs that I
mentioned the past few days come in. Patrick from Empowered
Nutrition really knows his stuff and his programs actually
deliver results AND a ton of energy to live and train.


You wouldn't put regular unleaded in a Ferrari if you expect
maximum performance out of it, yet that's often exactly what we
do with our own bodies...put regular gas in and expect
rocket-fuel performance out.

Good nutrition is one thing and can really go a long way...

Truly, though, if you want to truly MAXIMIZE your results...look
great on the beach...get in shape for your wedding (or somebody
else's wedding)...drop the last 5 hard-to-lose pounds...shed 50+
lbs of name it...

Personalized nutrition is going to get you there MUCH faster.
Check out these testimonials that I "borrowed" from Patrick's


My overall transformation started with my underestimation of the
power of a proper nutrition plan.

I have been on the nutrition program for ten months and have
already lost 69 pounds and 16% body fat.

Karen Kehoe


I finally realized that hot chick at the bar with a set of abs is ME!

- First Name: Christie
- Last Name: Airaghi
- Before Weight: 131
- Before Body Fat (% or lbs.): 33
- Before Measurements: waist 28

- After Weight: 119
- After Body Fat (% or lbs.): 18
- After Measurements: waist 25

Thank you again for your nutrition plan!!!!!

Christie Airaghi


And yes, I realize I'm harping on about this a bit :)

I wouldn't be telling you about this stuff and wouldn't have set
up this personalized nutrition thing with Patrick if I didn't
think it was a GREAT opportunity for those who really wanted to
get serious about nutrition and get some serious professional
advice at a VERY affordable price.



P.S. Go put in your nutrition questions for Patrick right now
for the teleseminar happening very soon! We've got some in but
NOW is the time to really take advantage of this. The recording
will be posted so even if you don't have time to listen right
away, you'll definitely be able to later.

Title: Nutrition Teleseminar with Patrick McGuire
Time: Wednesday, March 10th at 3:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit: