Subject: Got tight hips? This simple stretch will help you move better...

Having tight hips is not fun...

... it limits your mobility, range of motion, strength and
it just makes you feel TIGHT and "locked up" all the time.

However, stretching out the hip area can be a boring

...or it can be a challenge to yourself that can actually
BUILD strength in the hip area at the same time as
you're getting the benefits of the stretching.

...I prefer the challenge :)...

All you need is a dumbbell. You're going to hold the
dumbell in your hands, with your feet out wide to the
side in a sumo stance.

Then you're going to drop down into the sumo squat
position and just hold it, letting the weight pull you down
into the stretch. Hold it for about 45 seconds to a minute.

I'm using a 65 lb dumbell for this... you don't need a whole
lot of weight, but it should be enough that it does pull you

I'm also doing this with my toes elevated on the bottom
side rails of my power rack. This isn't 100% necessary
but I do find it helps to increase the stretch, so if you
have a rack other means of elevating the toes, try it
and see how it feels.

When you've held for the time (45s - 1 min), then just set
the weight on the floor and you're done!

You'll not only get the stretch, you'll also work your legs
fairly hard by holding that bottom squat position for that
period of time.

Now, if you're interested in a MUCH more comprehensive
approach to hip mobility, I would highly recommend
checking out my friend and colleague, Eric Wong's
program the Hip Flexibility Solution.

Eric comes from an MMA background where hip mobility
is absolutely critical...lack it could potentially have you
getting the tar kicked out of you!

This stuff HAS to work...

So if you have tight hips, and want a simple solution,
check out the Hip Flexibility Solution here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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