Subject: Got the “GREEN” light for your personalized nutrition program...

Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, I got the green light from Patrick McGuire at Empowered
Nutrition (that top sports nutritionist I mentioned in my email
yesterday) to let 'er rip.

You can go check out his personalized nutrition programs now.
And these really ARE personalized - you'll be filling in a
questionnaire with your goals, preferences, schedules, etc. so
your nutrition program can be tailored to YOU. Really custom
stuff here.

I just have to say, I wish I would have had something like this
available when I first started training - I ended up eating a LOT
of cafeteria food when I was in college. Would've saved me a lot
of time!


So here’s the green light message I got...


Original Message
From: Patrick McGuire
Recipient: Nick Nilsson


Hey Nick, sorry this is a bit later than I thought, had a few
more tweaks I had to do for your list.

Well the light is GREEN… Empowered Green that is. Check it
out at:

Just a reminder that this is limited to your list ONLY.

I've made 50 of these Ultimate Transformation Personalized
Nutrition Programs available for your people. Also, a reminder
that we are set for 7 days ONLY starting Monday, March 8th at 12

Nick, remind everyone this is NOT a generic meal plan package
that most companies are pimping on the net. This is for the
Ultimate Transformation PERSONALIZED Nutrition Program.
Hardcopy, printed, bound and delivered, complete with members
area access, username, password to the private members area, 84
days of nutrition, recipes, grocery lists detailed to your
information, your goals, your schedule and your foods. All of
this is bound inside a full color glossy educational and
motivational manual that will land on their doorstep in about 2
weeks or less.

This is a BIG deal, I have slashed the price by 50% for your
crew and am only going make this available to the first 50
people, that’s it. I can’t let too may people grab the
Ultimate Transformation Personalized Nutrition Program at this
price without risking my offline gym business. I mean if they
find out they are going to REVOLT on me… I will be in a

Here's the link to send people to:

Have an Empowered Day my friend,

President – Empowered Nutrition Products Inc.

P.S. I fired up some added bonuses we didn’t discuss for your
crew… I know they will get massive benefit from them.


So that’s it. Patrick pretty much put it all out there for
you. And I've seen those bonuses he mentioned - VERY good

Just 7 days to get your very own Ultimate Transformation
Personalized Nutrition Program for 50% off the regular price (and
it's even BETTER on the digital version). That is a great deal
you should definitely check out.

Check out the Ultimate Transformation Personalized Nutrition



P.S. When you click the order button, you'll see your order
added to the shopping cart at the top right of the page. Just
click "checkout" and you'll be all set!

P.S. I've also set up a teleseminar with Patrick for Wednesday
at 3 pm EST - I'll send the info along'll be able
to ask a real nutrition profesesional your most burning nutrition