Subject: Got stress, muscle cramps, poor sleep? Then you NEED this...(last chance)

What you NEED is magnesium.

And what the VAST majority of people don't get enough of guessed it...magnesium.

Magnesium is not a flashy's just one of the single most critical nutrients your body needs to have for more than 600 important biochemical processes.

I will tell you straight up...a top-quality magnesium supplement, if you're deficient or even not just getting optimal amounts, is a total gamechanger for your health and performance.

Magnesium Breakthrough (which I've talked about a few times this past week) is THE single best magnesium supplement I've ever used (and I've tried a lot).

And TODAY is the last day you'll be able to get it at a great discount...however, the discount goes away at midnight tonight.


Magnesium will stop you from getting muscle cramps.

Without getting too deep into the science of it, calcium is the "excitatory" mineral in your nervous system. Magnesium is the's the "relaxation" mineral in your nervous system.

If you don't get enough magnesium, your nervous system (and muscle contractions) will "stay on," so to speak, which can lead to those horribly painful, debilitating muscle cramps in the middle of the night.

Take magnesium, and you'll put a stop to the cramps.


Magnesium will help you sleep better.

If you toss and turn all night...wake up frequently and your brain won't shut off...or just feel restless and unable to relax, it's a safe bet you're low in magnesium.

Take magnesium and you'll sleep better.

And when you sleep better, a whole cascade of good things happens in your body (better recovery, more energy, improved hormone production...the list goes on).

Or you can not take magnesium and keep getting crappy sleep. That's always an option.


All magnesium supplements are not created equal, though.

If you take supplements, you know that quality and absorbability varies WIDELY.

So widely, in fact, that in some cases, taking a supplement can be actually worse than taking none at all (some supplemented nutrients are incomplete, requiring the body to pull nutrients from other areas to "complete' the nutrient to absorb it or flush it out).

Can you get generic magnesium at the grocery store for cheap? Absolutely.

Could it be next to useless? Absolutely.

So if you're going to give magnesium an honest try (and you could make a HUGE difference in your life), the best way to know if it's going to work for you is to test a top-quality with a 365 day money-back guarantee.

In my opinion, that would be Magnesium Breakthrough, which you can get right now for a great discount that ends TONIGHT.


Look, I don't recommend supplements very often...especially not with this level of enthusiasm.

I've seen too many scams and rip-offs perpetrated by unscrupulous manufacturers. Having been in the fitness business as long as I have (going on 30 years now), I know a lot the garbage that goes on behind the scenes...all designed to separate you from your money, NOT to get you results.

Magnesium is one of the few supplements that I know can have REAL, powerful benefits to your health and performance.

If you give this stuff an honest try and don't feel like it's for you, let them know and they'll give you a full refund, no questions asked (they have a FULL YEAR money-back guarantee).

I know these guys well...and they stand behind their products. I've been using their stuff myself for years and have never been disappointed.

There is ZERO risk to you and this is something that has real potential to be a gamechanger for you...better sleep, no muscle cramps, reduced stress...and immediately improved strength!.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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