Subject: Got pain you can't get rid of? This can help...

Your body doesn't want to be in pain.

When you're in pain, your body wants to get OUT of pain.

So it sends "help" in the form of a specific molecule (the scientific name is PGE2) to increase heat and blood flow to the area to speed healing.

Now, normally this is just fine...and it's part of the healing process.

The problem starts when this process gets out of control due to overloading inflammation (this can be from a variety of stress, toxins, even micoplastics!).

Your body then FLOODS the painful area with PGE2, which leads to even MORE pain...

...constant pain.

...pain without relief that even conventional treatments like NSAIDS can't touch.

That's where THIS stuff comes into play.

It can help your body turn off the emergency pain signal and cool down that flood of PGE2.

It can help you flip that pain switch OFF and feel immediate relief.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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