Subject: Got a free muscle-building teleseminar for you tonight!

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Mad Scientist Muscle

If you want even MORE info on building muscle, you'll enjoy this...

I'll be interviewed by Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle author "Tom
Venuto" about muscle-building and specifically the concepts found
in the report you download "2 Simple Rules to DOUBLE Your Muscle-
Building Results" and how they'll be put to work in my upcoming
book "Mad Scientist Muscle" (out next Tuesday!).

We'll be covering a LOT of great info and don't worry if you
can't make it live...I'll be posting a recording of it, too.

Also, make sure and post any muscle-building questions you have
for either of us! Tom will be interviewing me for the first part
but we'll both be answering questions towards the end of the

Here's the info:


Title: Tom Venuto Interviews Nick Nilsson - Muscle Building
Time: Thursday, September 9th at 8:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:


