Subject: Got a bum knee? You should try this...

About a year ago, I began noticing that my right knee was starting to feel a little unstable on occasion when doing exercises like squats and lunges.

There were times when I had to cut a leg workout short because it wasn't feeling 100% and I didn't want to push it.

And then I even started noticing a bit of weakness in the joint when getting up from a seated position. It wasn't causing me any pain (luckily) but it was there and I could definitely feel it wasn't full stable.

I have knee sleeves that I've used from time to time, when I felt I needed extra support, but they never really felt quite right...they gave me a bit more support but they didn't move very naturally when I was training.

So I was always keeping my eye out for a better solution.

And then I found THIS....

It's called the AM Relieve Knee Brace.

From their site...

"The Ultra Knee Elite combines the support of a knee brace with the flexibility of a knee sleeve. But AM Relieve® has taken things several steps further.

By adding 2 side bolsters the knee is secure and protected from twisting, buckling, or overstretching.

A cutting-edge knee ring and acupressure pad actually massage the knee every time you move."


It's like a hard brace and a soft brace all in one.

This gives you the best of both worlds...solid support from a hard brace with the flexibility of a soft brace.

Personally, I found it to be very effective. I tested it with Anderson Squats ("bottom start" squats, pictured above), working up to a decent weight.

Normally when I do those, that increase in loading going from zero to full load in the bent position is what sets it off for me.

I didn't feel any issues at all in the joint doing these while wearing the brace. It felt quite good actually.

This is something I'll definitely get a lot of use out of.


If you have knee issues, you should try this out.

This is especially true if you've tried a lot of other things before and nothing has worked quite well enough for you.

This could be exactly what you need to get back to full power in your knees again.

Learn more about AM Relieve Knee Brace here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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