Subject: Got a FREE bottle of probiotics for you...(address needed)

You know how important probiotics are to overall health and digestion.

In fact, if you're not already taking a good probiotic, you SHOULD absolutely be taking one. It can make a tremendous difference in your life, even beyond just building muscle or losing fat.

A healthy gut environment can help you digest food better, keep your immune system functioning more efficiently, keep your mind clear, curb cravings...the list of benefits is long.

In fact, probiotics are one of the very few supplements that I ALWAYS take, without fail. They're that important.


That's why I wanted to tell you about this...

To celebrate selling nearly 2 million bottles of their premium probiotic formula Pro-X10®, my friends Joel & Josh (founders of BioTrust Nutrition) want to reward anyone who visits this link today with an [almost] FREE 30-count bottle of this revolutionary gut health promoting probiotic supplement.

The reason I say "almost" is that they do ask that you cover the small shipping and handling fee of $6.95. So yeah, while it's not TOTALLY free, it's absolutely worth it. There's no autoship, no future charges...nothing.

This product has been shown to provide dramatically more LIVE and effective probiotic cells to your gut than traditional probiotic supplements.

What do I mean by "live?" Well, you may be surprised to learn that the vast majority of probiotics contained in traditional probiotic supplements will be DEAD before they ever reach your gut.

You see, probiotics are fragile, living cells and when passing through the highly acidic environment of the stomach (before reaching your gut) most probiotics die and become useless...unless they're protected.

BioTrust uses a Microencapsulation™ process that encapsulates each live probiotic cell with a protective matrix that is research-tested to dramatically increase probiotic survival in the stomach and effectively deliver TEN TIMES more live, healthy probiotics to your gut than traditional, non-microencapsulated probiotic products.


Pro-X10 will...

  • Significantly decrease the "bad" pathogenic, health-derailing bacteria in your gut
  • Dramatically improve overall digestive health, gut lining strength, AND immune health
  • Begin working immediately, with positive results seen in lab tests in as little as 5 short hours (while other traditional probiotics take weeks or months to improve your gut flora ratio, if ever)

Get your [almost] free bottle of Pro-X10 here.


Why Are They Being THIS Generous? What's the catch?

There's no catch. It’s simple really... Joel and Josh and BioTrust want to EARN your trust by PROVING to you that Pro-X10 works.

They know that once you see and experience the results of this stuff first hand that you'll be back for more, so they're willing to GIVE you your first bottle to try it out and see for yourself.

Just so you know up front, though, they have set aside only limited inventory on this special offer. It won't be available forever, so if you are interested, definitely go jump on this now.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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