Subject: Gluteus to the Maximus relaunching tomorrow!

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!

Hey, just wanted to give you a quick heads-up on a product
relaunch. I've just finished a HUGE update to my glute-training
program "Gluteus to the Maximus" and I'll be releasing it
tomorrow (Wednesday, Aug 3rd). It'll be available to promote at
midnight tonight (Tuesday).

I know this is really short notice for a "normal" launch but
here's the good thing...this is going to be an "evergreen" type
of launch. The release this week will be primarily to tweak the
sales processes and upsells and make sure everything is
converting strongly.

I'll be putting out articles, ads, banners, free reports, etc.
that you can use for long-term marketing to the site.

I've also separated the sales pages into male and female-targeted
versions to help increase conversions. The sales process is very
"informational", too, so even though it is a sales page, people
will learn a lot about glute training on it.

This week, the price will be starting at the current price of
$29.95 - then I'll be increasing that to $47 on Friday at
midnight, so if you do have space in your schedule to send
something out, whether it be an ad or an article, this is
definitely a good time to do so! We all know the power of a

I've got a page in my affiliate area dedicated to the Gluteus to
the Maximus book and I'll be posting more information on the
launch there.

This is the first of MANY marketing "reboots" that I'm going to
be doing with all my products in the near future, so keep an eye
on your sales - they should be increasing very soon :)

If you have any questions, just let me know!
