Subject: Gluten intolerance...real or fake?

Gluten-free is a buzzword you see attached to food these days.

And yes, Celiac Disease is absolutely a real thing.

I have a friend who has it very severely and can't safely go out to dinner because of potential cross-contamination. She wa literally at the point where the disease was life-threatening because she was so sensitive to gluten and didn't know it for years.

The question there a sliding scale of gluten intolerance where people who aren't Celiac can benefit from restricting gluten in their diet?

Now, let me just tell you up front, I'm not speaking as a nutritionist here...I'm talking from observation. And from what I've seen, the answer is yes.

If YOU are one of those people who have found you have an issue with gluten, it can be extremely frustrating...

...many gluten free foods don't taste all that great (some are downright awful)...

...and sometimes you encounter foods that you don't THINK would ever have gluten in them, but they do and you react later on (and the reactions are not pleasant).

And forget about going out to dinner at most restaurants, if you have a strong sensitivity. Most restaurants will tell you straight up, even their gluten-free meals can't be guaranteed because of the likelihood of cross-contamination.

There is good news, though...there is a digestive enzyme that allows you to actually digest gluten.

The enzyme product is made by the same company that created MassZymes and P3-OM, which I've talked about on many occasions, and which I take myself with every single meal. They're among the very few supplements that I NEVER miss.

These guys know enzymes and they know digestion.

That's why I was really excited to see they just released an enzyme product with the specific goal of helping you digest gluten and not suffer the ill effects of it.

For me personally, I don't have an issue with gluten. Even though I rarely eat gluten foods anyway, I can eat bread no problem. So it's not something I'm going to add to my own supplement regimen. There's no real need for me to do it.

However, if YOU have an issue with gluten and you'd like alleviate your suffering, this is something I would definitely recommend you try.

You can learn more about Gluten Guardian here.

In my opinion, this would be something to use not as an "eat whatever you want" type of supplement, using it so that you can eat crap food. I would recommend it so that you can eat SOME of the foods you've been missing out if you have gluten intolerance (maybe your grandma makes homemade bread that you haven't been able to eat).

Or if you ARE Celiac, it could potentially be used as "insurance" if you go out anywhere to eat and you're worried about cross-contamination.

Bottom line, if you do have some level of gluten intolerance, definitely go check this stuff out. You might find it to be exactly what you've been looking for.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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