Subject: "Giant Wedgies" to tighten up your waist FAST...

If you want a smaller, tighter waist and a flatter stomach, this is one of the best exercises you can do.

I actually call it the Vacuum Leg Raise (the "giant wedgie" just describes the'll see why below).

It's done using only bodyweight and actually uses the abs to draw the lower body up and in (bringing the pelvis towards the rib cage), rather than crunching the rib cage down towards the pelvis, as with many ab exercises. 

This is excellent for tightening the waist because it trains the abs to "pull in" and tighten up, which is exactly what we're looking for.

This exercise can be done using several different pieces of equipment. The best place to do this is using a dipping station, simply because that's all you really need for it.

You can also create your own dip station in the power rack by setting the safety rails at about mid-chest level and setting two Olympic bars on the safety rails. When you stand in between the two bars, it will be just like using a dip station. 


If you're training at home and don't have anything like this, I've also done this one with two chairs...just set the backs towards each other about 2 feet apart and set your hands on top of the chair-backs (as though they were dip stands). Just make sure the chairs are solid and don't have wheels or you might be taking a ride.


Set your hands on the dipping bars/handles and get into the top position of the dip (arms locked out) with your torso hunched over as though you're trying to form a half-moon shape with your body. If your feet hit anything, turn around and face the other way.

Keep your arms locked out and in the same position throughout the movement. The motion will not come from your arms. 

Start the movement by very deliberately drawing your abs up and in (as though sucking up your gut). 

Bring your hips upwards towards the ceiling. The best analogy for this one is to imagine a giant is giving you a wedgie...very scientific, for sure, but it gets the idea across.

As you draw the hips up, this will cause your lower body to lift up and your upper body to hunch forward more. Think about sucking your abs up and in as you raise the hips. 

Come up as high as you can then hold it there for a few seconds.

If you've watched gymnastics, the movement is very similar to the first part of the movement when a person goes from a locked-out dip position on the parallel bars up into a handstand. 

However, rather than going all the way up into a handstand, you're going leave your legs in front of you and focus on squeezing and sucking up the abs.

Lower down slowly then repeat.

That's the exercise...very simple and very effective with only minimal equipment needed. 

This exercise is actually surprisingly demanding as it involves the deep muscles of the core in a way they rarely get's the opposite of bracing (pushing out the abs), so it's not going to build a lot of core strength.

What it WILL do, however, is teach those deep muscles to pull in so your stomach doesn't just loll out in front of you (which can be an issue even with people who are very lean).

If you'd like to see this exercise in action on video (definitely recommended), check it out on my YouTube channel here.


Can You Get a Flatter Stomach in Just 30 Seconds?

Absolutely...and if you liked the exercise I just showed you, you're going to LOVE this concept.

I've put together a quick and easy program I call the "30-Second Ab-Solution"...and it's going to teach exactly how to get a flatter stomach in just 30 seconds.

And actually WORKS....and it's literally something you can do ANYTIME ANYWHERE (even at your desk at work and nobody will even know you're doing it).

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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