Subject: Getting ripped after 40...

It IS possible...and it's not as hard as you might think.

There are a lot of misconceptions about hitting that 40 year mark...

- that your testosterone will go into the toilet
- that you're going to lose your muscle mass and shrivel up
- that you'll get weak as a kitten
- that you'll never be able to get ripped again

That's all BS.

Granted, if you don't DO anything about it, those things will happen.

However, you're not reading this because you want to fade into the night when you turn 40.

I'm 51 now... this pic here is from last year (2023) right before I turned 50.

I KNOW what it takes to get ripped over 40 (and 50!).


How Do YOU Get Ripped Like This Over 40?

Like I said, I've got my own methods, but I came across another program from a guy by the name of Gary Walker that looked really interesting. It's called Ripped Over 40.

After getting a copy from him to review, I have to say I'm very impressed.

I've read through it and I can see exactly how his methods work.

The weight training aspect of the program focuses primarily on what he refers to as the Tri-Con Method. He breaks down each type of contraction in a rep (concentric, eccentric and isometric) and utlizes them in a way that makes nothing but sense.

For example, in one of the sets, imagine doing a barbell curl...

  • 4 reps with a powerful, concentric contraction (the "up" phase) with a controlled 3-second eccentric (down phase).

  • Now on the NEXT 4 reps, on the way down, you're going to stop at the mid-point of the curl (90 degrees at the elbow) then perform a hard, isometric contraction for 10 seconds.

This forces you to get your mind into the muscle and puts massive Time Under Tension onto the biceps.

Now imagine doing this for EVERY muscle group in your body.

This has MASSIVE growth potential.


Carb Cycling for Fat Loss

Gary has also put together his own version of Carb Cycling (i.e. rotating carbs in and out of your diet strategically).

If you've seen or done any of my programs in the past 20 years, you know I'm a big fan of carb cycling.

I'm not going to give away Gary's approach (it's included in his program) but I really like the strategy behind it. I can see it being VERY effective.

Gary does note that you don't necessarily HAVE to use this approach, but you'll get better results by doing so (and I would agree).

In case you're wondering, here's what Gary looks like...big and shredded.


Bottom Line

This is a well-designed, well-thought-out approach to fat loss over 40. It is definitely effective and right along the lines of what I know works.

Gary has included plenty of information (including a full section on injury prevention) specific to considerations of an over 40 trainer.

If you're over 40 (or even if you're not there yet!), this is an approach that will WORK for you to get RIPPED.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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