Subject: Get serious six-pack work with this "Fingal Finger" sit-up exercise...

The sit-up gets a bad rap sometimes...and it sometimes deserves it because of the torque on the lower back and hip flexor involvement.

We're going to fix that...

This version of the sit-up creates a push/pull dynamic that takes out hip flexors while increasing tension on the six-pack abs (and I don't find it tough on the lower back at all).

You can do it lying on the floor, however elevating your body on a bench changes the strength curve of the exercise and allows you to use substantially more weight.

Check out Landmine Fingal Finger Sit-Ups on a Bench here...

(FYI, the Fingal Finger thing comes from that Strongman even where you lift and walk your hands up a post then flip it over).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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