Subject: Get serious core strength with this weird new DB exercise...

This one isn't about flattening your stomach or tightening your waist...let me just tell you that right up front.

Because if you want to build functional core POWER and STRENGTH, you need to move heavy weight around your body and you need to set it on your body. That's just the bottom line.

And that's where THIS exercise comes in...Split Squat Dumbbell Shouldering. It's one of my new favorites.

What you're going to do is very're going to bring a dumbbell that's on the ground up to resting on your shoulder, while in a split squat position.

By moving a heavy dumbell off the ground to this position, you'll develop core strength that will carry over to the bottom position of your squats and deadlifts and to pretty much everything else you lift off the ground, too!


The first time you try this one, start with a LIGHT dumbbell until you get the form down
. I'm using a 95 lb dumbbell but I've been doing this kind of core strength and support training for a lot years so take your time moving up in weight..

You can gradually progress up to heavier and heavier weights as you develop the core strength necessary to properly protect your spine and support the dumbbell on your shoulder.

So first, get into the bottom split squat position, left leg forward, the right leg kneeling.

Set the dumbbell just inside your left leg, lean forward and grasp it with your left hand. Your left arm will be touching/braced on the inside of your left knee.

Press the palm of your RIGHT hand onto the backside plate of the dumbbell, like you were going to use that hand to slide it forward. That's your start position.

Make sure your core muscles are SOLID and BRACED like a brick...we're not looking to suck in or vacuum the gut.

Now, with a POWERFUL movement, simultaneously PULL up with your left arm and PUSH up and forward with your right arm. This push with your right hand is EXTREMLY important...don't just it as a guide...really add POWER to that push.

Use your front leg to add even more power to the movement and use your back to assist with the pull as well. This should be a powerful, total body movement.

Continue the movement, bring the dumbbell up and to your left shoulder, using your right hand to guide it along with pushing.

Bring the dumbbell all the way up and stand it on end on your shoulder and hold it there for a few seconds, supporting it fully on your shoulder.

Bring it back down under control, using both hands, and set it on the floor. Then go again.

Do this exercise for low reps, e.g. 3 to 5 reps per set. This exercise is all about power, not endurance.

You can alternate reps on each side (left arm, 1 rep, right arm, 1 rep), or you can do a straight set on one arm, then rest, then do a set on the other arm. I would aim for 4 sets total for this movement.

Here's a view directly from the front.

Note in the next picture, I'm not using the thigh to "kick" the dumbbell up...the front foot stays on the ground.

And here's an outside view.

As you can imagine, this exercise is EXCELLENT for developing core strength and power.

You will learn how to basically "throw around" heavy weight while keep your body in optimal position for using that power safely. If you want to build some REAL functional core strength, this is an exercise you should try.

I've posted the full video demo on my YouTube channel here
(be sure to subscribe if you haven't already!).

Enjoy! This exercise is of my favorites for core training.

Want more core training like this?

I've got the book you need.

This book is packed with incredibly core strength and power, learn 6 killer core exercises, just like the one above, when you click on this link.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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