Subject: Get rid of your pooch belly...(here's how)

The pooch belly is the bulge in the lower ab area that seems to happen to most people...and even in people with low bodyfat AND in people who train the area directly.

This can be a really tough area to flatten out, if you don't know exactly how to go about doing it. Electric ab belts aren't going to do it...sorry to burst your bubble. Those things won't even hold up your pants.



Quick note first...

TODAY is the last day you'll be able to pick up one the BEST stomach-flattening programs I've ever found. I talked about it earlier this week, but midnight tonight is the deadline to grab your copy before the price goes up.

You can grab your copy here.

It's a system of "deep core" exercises, similar to the one I've got for you here, that you can do at home, that will flatten your stomach FAST.

The program was created by Dr. James Vegher, who I've actually interviewed before. He's one of the top physio doctors in California...the go-to guy when other doctors can't help. Very smart and his program is excellent.

Learn more about the 0-6 Pack Abs system now.



So here's how to get rid of your pooch belly...

It's a very simple, very easy exercise that involves very little actual movement, strangley enough. The key is in WHERE and HOW the movement takes place. You have to feel the right muscles working in order to get the desired effect out of this one.

I have to give credit to former Mr. Olympia Larry Scott for this one.. The first time I tried it I could really feel it targeting the exact area and in the exact manner that I knew would get the job done and flatten out the lower ab "pooch" area.

What this exercise is going to do is tighten up the muscles underneath the pooch area, pulling them back into better alignment and basically teaching the body how to keep that area flat.

Naturally, if you're got a big, fat gut, you won't really notice a big difference by doing this. It's not going to burn any appreciable fat by itself, so you have to do it context of an overal fat-reduction program, if you really want to notice the best results with it.

If you'd rather watch it on video (it'll be easier to see the movement), click here. I've got a 2-minute rundown on how it works.


If you're already fairly lean and you still have that pooch belly, this is the perfect exercise to help you get rid of it.

Lie flat on your back with your hands set on the floor beside your hips. Your hips should be bent 90 degress and your knees bent 90 degrees. Cross your left foot over your right foot to "lock in" the lower abs (cross at the ankles).

You'll notice when your hips are 90 degrees, your lower back is not flat on the floot, due to it's natural arch. THAT is the key thing to think about.

The movement itself is simply flattening out the lower back and bringing your knees towards your chest by focusing on tightening the extreme lower abdominal area. There is very little resistance in this exercise and you don't NEED significant resistance...just repeat this movement doing about one rep per second.

You'll repeat this for 10 reps with your left leg higher then switch and put your right foot over top to keep it even. Do this for 100 total reps, switching the feet every 10 reps.

It's a little tough to see the difference in position in still pictures, so be sure to watch the video demo of this exercise as well.

The key to remember here is you're NOT trying to do a full leg raise...just bring your hips to 90 degrees and then bring your lower back flat on the floor then repeat. Focus on using the extreme lower ab area to make this movement happen...not the hip flexors. It might take a bit of practice, but the results are worth it.

You'll need to do this exercise regularly (and that means pretty much every day as a habit) to really see the difference, but it WILL happen.

The good thing is, this exercise is VERY easy and won't impact your recovery in any way, shape or form. It won't make you sore and you can do it in the privacy of your own home (just make sure you're on a solid surface when you do it - no water beds :)

Give this one a few weeks of regular use and you should see that pooch belly flattening out nicely.


One Last Thing...

I mentioned the 0-6 Pack Abs stomach-flattening system above. If you haven't yet checked it out, I HIGHLY recommend doing so before tonight and before the price goes up.

The exercises in the program are very simple yet extremely effective for targeting the deep core muscles that actually flatten your stomach.

This stuff WORKS.

Bottom line, if having a flatter stomach is a goal of yours, this is something you need to get.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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