Subject: Get my BEST fat-loss program for DIRT CHEAP. This is your last chance....

The 50% Off Sale on my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program ends TONIGHT at midnight. That's in just...

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Honestly, Metabolic Surge is one of the BEST programs I've ever put together. It's the only fat-loss program I ever use these days because it works GREAT and it works every time.

It literally incorporates everything I've ever learned in my 25+ years of training and coaching about fast, effective fat loss into a single, strategic, comprehensive program covering training, nutrition, supplements.

If you want a PROVEN program that WORKS, you need to get this...and after tonight, the price will DOUBLE.

Get it now for just...


Q. What Equipment Do You Need?

I put together this program with flexibility in mind...meaning that you really don't need much equipment at all to do this program.

Even if you just have dumbbells, you're golden.

I recommend exercises that fit into categories, rather than specific exercises. Meaning, if I say to do a "squat" type of exercise, you can do a barbell squat, dumbbell squat, goblet squat, kettlebell squat, one-leg bodyweight squat, etc.

It's really up to you and what you have available to work with!


Q. Do I have to take supplements to get results with this program?

While targeted supplementation can certainly help with the program, taking supplements is definitely NOT required to achieve great fat-loss success.

The real power behind the program lies in the nutritional strategies and the training program. Supplements are simply there to support and assist with these processes. You won't have to take any fat burners, protein powder, creatine or anything like that if you don't want to and you'll still get great results.

Anyone who tells you that you have to take fat loss supplements to make their program work is not promoting a healthy program.

When properly stimulated, your own natural metabolism is FARmore powerful than any supplement you can take to burn fat. Supplements can assist and support the process but they should NOT be the focus of your fat loss efforts.


Q. Does the Metabolic Surge program require strict calorie counting?

Not at all! In fact, it's the first highly-effective fat loss program that I've found that doesn't actually require strict calorie counting to work and work very well.

The training and nutritional techniques found in the program (such as Fat-Loss Circuit Training, Macronutrient Rotation and Lactic Acid Training) will take care of boosting your metabolism so that you don't need to focus on measuring and weighing everything you eat.

If you do prefer to count calories and find you get better results that way, however, I've also included in the program advice on how to go about it and specific ranges of caloric intake based on your gender and bodyweight to get the best results.

The information is there if you need but it's definitely NOT necessary to count calories on the Metabolic Surge program and still have it work effectively.


Q. What happens after the program is done? Is there going to be rebound weight gain?

Absolutely not!

In fact, I and many others have actually experienced CONTINUED fat loss even after the program is done! The training involved in the program in unique amongst fat loss programs in that it actually makes your metabolism go FASTER as you go through the program, rather than simply trying to fight it's slowing down.

By the time you're finished with the 36-day program, your metabolism will be cranking so strongly, you can go back to eating normally (but still healthy) and actually KEEP losing fat.

Also, even though this program does use low-carb eating at times, it completely avoids the problem of rebound weight gain typically associated with coming off a low-carb diet.

In this program, you will actually use that rebound to your advantage to build muscle! This is something not found in ANY other fat loss program.


Q. Is this program useful for female trainers? You mention the program works to build muscle...I don't want large muscles but I do want better shape and tone.

The Metabolic Surge program is all about reshaping your body. Being female, when you use the program, your bodyfat levels will come down while your shape improves dramatically. You won't develop large muscles...only lean, shapely, sculpted muscles.

This program does not rely on testosterone production (which is a more masculinizing hormone) to build muscle and burn fat. It harnesses the power of Growth Hormone, to burn fat while keeping lean muscle, and the hormone Insulin (which is used primarily to build muscle).

Men and women both have practically equal potential when it comes to both Growth Hormone and Insulin production, therefore making the program just as effective for women as it is for men.


Q. I'm just starting out with my training and exercise. Is this program going to be too advanced for me to follow?

The Metabolic Surge program will take you by the hand right from the very beginning. I've included a beginner-oriented Preparation Phase for the program, allowing you to start working your way up to the main program one step at a time.

This Preparation Phase will gradually build you up to the point where you're able to handle the scaled-down version of the main program, called Level 1 Training.

Level 1 Training, while still maintaining the effectiveness of the main program, utilizes workouts with fewer sets, longer rest periods and lower-intensity cardio training.

Don't get me wrong, it's still going to be challenging and EXTREMELY effective. It's a basically a moderated approach to the program so even total beginners can benefit from it.


Q. I'm an advanced trainer and I want to maintain my strength and muscle mass while getting rid of the last bits of stubborn fat. Will this program do that for me?

This program was actually originally designed with that very purpose in mind...a fat-loss program for intermediate to advanced trainers who want to get rid of the last bits of stubborn fat while keeping and even BUILDING muscle, all while maintaining strength and performance!

(Tony used Metabolic Surge to get SHREDDED for a bodybuilding competition)

The Metabolic Surge program delivers on this promise...over the course of the 36 days of training,you can actually INCREASE strength and build muscle while dropping fat.

In fact, the first time I did this program myself, I ended up at the exact same weight I started...only I had dropped 3 INCHES off my waist! That's a tremendous gain in lean muscle while losing fat.


Okay, that's pretty much it... :)

Except to remind you that this program is currently just FIFTEEN BUCKS until midnight tonight...then the price doubles.

Now I'm done.

Learn more about Metabolic Surge here


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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