Subject: Get in shape like a US just 15 min a day, 3X a week, at home...

This is for real...

The program is called The Marine Body, created by a friend and colleague of mine, Jason Klein, who is former fitness instructor for the US Marine Corps.

He put this program together based on the specific needs of the Corps to get and KEEP their soldiers in shape FAST and with MINIMAL equipment.

This program is bodyweight and movement based, and is designed to give you a very large amount of metabolic "impact" (for lack of a better word) in a very short period of time (literally just 15 minutes).

And I'll tell you straight up (and you probably know this by now)...this isn't the style of workout that I would come up with myself...I'm a "resistance" guy to the core. I love heavy loading.

However, this style of training might be a better option for YOU for getting into shape than some of what I do (don't worry, I don't take it personally ;).

  • It's easy on the joints,
  • it can be done with little to no equipment,
  • it can be done by complete beginners to very advanced trainers,
  • and it has you done with your workouts in just 15 minutes, 3 times a week.

If these things sound good to you, definitely check out his program, The Marine Body.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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