Subject: Get a MONSTER bicep pump with this new BFR curl...

If you want bigger biceps, one of the most effective methods you can use is called Blood Flow Restriction training (BFR for short), also known as Occlusion Training.

The concept is simple (and painful) use a band or cuff to restrict blood flow out of the muscle. This traps blood and waste products of muscular contraction in the muscle while you perform the set.

Why do you want this?

Even though it sounds counter-intuitive, to put it simply, these waste products are actually highly anabolic, meaning they send a signal to your body to increase growth processes in the target muscle.

I won't get into the full physiological details of how and why it works, but it DOES work, and this has been proven by a number of research studies on the technique.

One of the best programs I've come across for maximizing Occlusion Training is called Anabolic Finishers, available here.

For this version of Occlusion Training, instead of using a complete cuff for these BFR curls, we're going to use two regular training bands.

If you don't have bands, this is my recommended source. Bands are among the most effective and versatile training tools you can use. If your gym doesn't have any, I would definitely suggest getting some for yourself and bringing them to the gym.


Let's get started...

First, hitch the two bands to a post, between two to three feet up. I'm using the upright of a power rack and two light bands.

You'll be using a light weight for this exercise...I'm using just the empty bar. Set that on the floor a little in front of you.

Now loop one band over your left shoulder.

And the other over your right shoulder.

Then pick up the bar and step forward, stretching the bands.

When the bands stretch around your shoulder, it impedes blood return from the arms, causing the build-up of waste products that we're after.

Granted, this is not occlusion to the same degree as a complete cuff. However, there is actually ANOTHER reason why we're using bands beyond just the occlusion of blood return.

One of the strongest tendencies in the barbell curl is for the shoulders to hunch forward at the start, thus improving the leverage of the biceps. This is often accompanied by a lean forward then a lean back to "lever" the weight up using cheating mechanics rather than bicep action.

With the bands pulling your shoulders back, we force you out of this shoulders-forward position, making the biceps do all the work....while their blood flow is being restricted.

Here's a side view of the position. Your body is angled forward while the bands pull your shoulders back.

THEN you curl.

Come all the way up to the top position.

Because of the forward angle of your body, you will actually get and maintain a stronger contraction of the biceps (along the lines of a concentration curl or spider curl) at the top.

Squeeze for a few seconds, then lower slowly and under control. Then repeat, performing as many reps as you can until you hit "chemical failure" (due to lactate and other waste product accumulation) shuts you down. You should aim for at least 12-15 or more reps here.

Step back, releasing the tension in the bands, then set the bar down. Rest a minute or so, then repeat for 2-4 total sets.

Your biceps will be fully pumped up and primed for growth.

This is an excellent method for finishing off your bicep workout. I wouldn't recommend it as your ONLY bicep training as it doesn't directly build muscle via mechanical damage (which is also important). It contributes to growth "chemically," so to speak.

You can watch the full video of this technique on my YouTube channel here.

As I mentioned above, if you really want to test this type of training out in terms of maximizing your arm size, I would recommend you read about the "Anabolic Finishers" program here.

There's a lot more to Occlusion Training than just wrapping something around your arms and going to town. This program will tell you exactly what you need to do get the best results from it and see a BIG difference in your arm size FAST.

Check it out here, but only if you think you might want to gain an inch on your arms in the next 4 weeks...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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