Subject: Get Strong. Lean. Muscular. With "Controlled Chaos"...[article]

Got a great guest article here from my friend and fellow
"madman" Travis Stoetzel.

In yesterday's email, I gave you a short sample workout taken
directly from his book "Unbreakable Badass".

Today, we're going to go one better...Travis gave me a
complete BLUEPRINT of exactly how he puts these workouts
together to post on my site.

And I do have to say, I totally agree with his methodology. Not
only are these workouts extremely challenging, they're kind of
insane and (if you like that sort of thing) a LOT of fun.

Check it out here...Behind the "Madness" of CONTROLLED CHAOS

This is GREAT info and definitely worth the quick read.

Behind the "Madness" of CONTROLLED CHAOS

Travis' training style is targeted towards building muscle AND
dropping fat at the same time. And his methods develop
incredible levels of conditioning and performance.

You'll not only LOOK like a Spartan warrior straight out of "300"...
you'll PERFORM like one (minus the killing, of course :).

Check out his program "The UNBREAKABLE BADASS Blueprint" here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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