Subject: Get "Olympic" at home, with no equipment...

You want a the gymnasts you see on TV when the Olympic games are on.

However, you and I both know that training your abs by hammering out countless sets and reps of crunches and sit-ups is NOT the best way to get that six-pack.

So...what do you do if you want to really crank up the effectiveness of your abdominal training...yet you don't have much (if any) equipment to work with?

That's where a new program called Olympic Abs comes in...

The creator of the program, Joe LoGalbo, has put together a book of innovative bodyweight-based ab-training circuits that you can do at home, with no equipment, to get that six-pack.

He includes beginner, intermediate and advanced-level ab circuits, allowing you to work at whatever level you're ready for.

Now obviously, if you've got a lot of fat covering your abs, doing just ab work on it's own doesn't burn enough calories to reduce your bodyfat.

However, combine Joe's bodyweight abdominal workouts with a good nutrition and fat-loss program (or add them into whatever you're already doing), and you WILL see results.

These are well-thought-out circuits that you can perform along with your workouts...or even while you're sitting down, doing other things.

Learn more about Olympic Abs here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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