Subject: Get GREAT glutes and legs with this fun exercise...

Ok, just to be clear up idea of fun might be different than your
idea of fun when it comes to exercises (might not be, too ;).

The exercise I'm going to show you here is the "Switch Leg Split Squat"
and it's one of my favorites for hitting the glutes, upper hamstrings, and
quads all in one shot.

What makes it fun is that it's also challenging to your co-ordination and're just not grabbing a weight and cranking out reps. You
have to get your mind into the exercise
to really make it work.

It's a really cool one and yes, it will get you a lot of strange looks in
the gym (that's also part of the fun! You don't get results by following
the crowd!).

On the page, I'll show you the barbell can just as
easily do it with dumbells as well.

Check out Switch Leg Split Squats here...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Just a quick reminder, my friend Hugo Rivera has his Body Re-
Engineering muscle and fat-loss program on sale right now for $30 off
You can read all about on his website.

This is an EXCELLENT program, designed to help you build muscle AND
lose literally "re-engineer" your body and transform it FAST. It's
very good stuff and right in line with what I know WORKS. Definitely
worth having a look at.

Click here to check out Body Re-Engingeering now...

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