Subject: Get 2-3 X more muscle growth out of each set... and how to build a bigger butt...

So first off, let me just say I'm not retiring :)

I'm just retiring a couple of my books!

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now...

One of the books that I'm retiring is called Hybrid Training...and honestly, the methods in this book are just INSANELY effective...some of my favorite "mad scientist" stuff I've ever done..

Book #3 - Hybrid Training

"Hybrid Training" allows you to keep continuous tension on your muscles through their FULL range of motion.

It also uses DIRECTIONAL resistance to keep that loading on the target muscle most effectively.

When you put "Hybrid Training" into effect, you combine TWO forms of resistance that eliminate each other's weak points, allowing you to apply continuous, directional tension to the muscles through their ENTIRE range of motion.

You can use more weight and you're doing FULL-range reps of both exercises...

...and the amount of tension you can put on your muscles with this training system is absolutely ridiculous.


I KNOW you can relate to the problems with these standard exercises:

  • the Barbell Bench Press only allows maximum tension at the BOTTOM of the exercise (where you can lift the LEAST amount of weight) If you can lift 200 lbs at the bottom, you can probably lift 400 lbs or more at the top. Through most of the exercise, you're using far less weight than your muscles are actually capable of.

  • when you're performing a Squat, you get very little tension on the quadriceps when you come to the top 1/4 of the exercise - this missing tension costs you leg development, no matter how hard you squat.

  • on a Preacher Curl, when you get to the top of the movement, unless you really make an effort to squeeze your biceps hard, the weight is almost completely supported by your BONES, not your muscles, reducing the muscle-building potential of the exercise tremendously.

  • when you do dumbbell flyes, if you bring the dumbells together at the top for a full range of motion, you lose tension in the pecs... it all goes onto the shoulder joints


To really demonstrate the power of this Hybrid method, have a look at this picture... I've got 3 different types of resistance going for very targeted reasons.


1. Dumbbell Bench Press - you have the most tension at the bottom and it drops off as you come to the top. This is the "base" exercise.

2. Cable Flyes - this adds directional tension, meaning the resistance is pulling directly from the sides (which the pecs must work against to bring the dumbbells in). This increases the tension on the contraction and keeps continuous tension on the pecs.

I'm using ankle straps to go hands free on these.

3. Chains - this is "Accomodating Resistance," which means the resistance is increasing (accomodating) as you press to the top. This helps overload the top of the bench press where your leverage is better and you're stronger.

Put all three of these together and you have the PERFECT bench press rep.

You can see the video for this one in action here...

Click here to see Hybrid Preacher Curls...

Having done a lot of this kind of training, these Hybrid movements are 2 to 3 times more effective than regular reps, so you do have to be aware of how they'll affect your recovery.

They're demanding but incredibley effective.


Why am I retiring this book?

This one really needs a facelift and an update. I came out with it almost 20 years ago so the videos are fairly low res.

I've also come up with a ton more combinations to cover every muscle group in the body.

And, as always, because you'l be a customer of this, you'll get that update FREE when you pick it up in this package.

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now!



Book #4 - Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now

Are you SICK and TIRED of being stuck with a small, flat, shapeless, curveless butt that doesn't seem to grow no matter what you do? Or a butt that completely disappears whenever you lose fat?

Do you want to fill out your jeans and feel more confident in yourself when you're walking down the street?

Have you tried normal glute exercises only to see ZERO results in your butt?

That ends now...

You can add 2 INCHES to your butt in the next 2 WEEKS in as little as 10 MINUTES a day...

...At the gym OR in the privacy of your own home...

...No matter how STUBBORN your glutes are!

"Gluteus to the Maximus" contains 19 complete programs (127 workouts) and 56 exercises for every level of trainer, from total beginner to very advanced, all with the goal of building the glutes for size and for strength.

These programs work great for both women AND men (ladies, don't worry...your butt will develop according to your female blocky butt here).

Here's a quick sample...

One of the most POWERFUL methods that I talk about in the book is Daily Specialization with the Single Leg Bench Squat.

That's THIS exercise... it just HAMMERS the glutes.

When you perform that exercise twice a day, every day (one set to near failure each time), the glutes respond with RAPID growth.

It requires no special equipment other than something to stand on and something to hold onto.

You will feel this one from the very first rep...and that's just the beginning...


Why did retire this one?

I actually came to the conclusion that this book actually has TOO much information in it!

Because it's so comprehensive and has so many excellent programs, it can actually to lead to overanalysis...and that's the enemy of action.

I'm going to be redoing this one in the near future and streamlining it so that it's easier to get started and get results FAST.

The training you'll find in this book is highly effective at building the glutes...I'm just going to make it easier to use!

And yep, as a customer, you'll get that updated version FREE.


That's all for today!

If you're ready to pick up your Retirement Package Deal, click here now...

I'll be back tomorrow with a rundown on The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of and my first ever book "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" (and the funny story behind how I created it way back in 2001).

Just FYI, this package deal will only be available until this Friday at midnight.

Don't worry...I'll remind you ;)

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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