Subject: Gain 7-10 lbs of muscle in 28 days?... That's BS...Or is it?...

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Building 7 to 10 pounds of muscle in 4 weeks?

That's crazy...or impossible.

Well...what if it wasn't...

Let's face matter how hard you train or how much you eat, there will be times when you hit the wall.

You're killing yourself in the gym, yet your muscle growth grinds to a halt...your strength gains are almost nothing.

And the worst part is, you may even start going BACKWARDS... getting smaller and weaker because you're training TOO hard.

It's a horrible and eating your butt off and getting nothing out of it...or even just getting fatter and fatter as you overload the calories to try and build muscle.

If you've ever hit that wall before (or have hit it now), I've got something especially for you...

This is a link for you here to one of the most INSANE training programs I've ever put together...literally insane..and most effective.

It's called "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass" and it's one of the BEST training programs I've ever created.

It's a science-based blueprint for building 7 to 10 pounds of lean mass in just 28 days, even on intermediate to advanced trainers like yourself.

Check it out here...on this page, I'll give you the full program rundown so you can discover EXACTLY how powerful this strategy is.


And right now, I've got Muscle Explosion on sale for 40% off the regular price!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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